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24% Growth in 90 Days Case Study - Increase Website Traffic, Rank Higher Locally, & Get Automations To Respond To Every Lead For Any Local Business🌐


HighLevel Quest

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HighLevel Vault

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The Skool Games

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The Jiu-Jitsu Forum

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7 contributions to Skool Community
Insights From A Google Software Engineer & SEO Expert That I Spoke With At a Global Business Conference
WARNO -- This is in reference to local business strategy, but I still believe the concepts are useful _______________________________ 1.) Your Website acts as the core of your business. It holds all general and specific information of your business or your personal brand. You can enhance the ranking of your website using keywords throughout the content that you use. This is what's usually known as blogging. The website and all other places on the internet link back to the website in some way. Blogging takes advantage of keywords that if done correctly you can rank higher than competitors on. You can make many blogs over the course of some time and use different sets of keywords in your articles like little fishing nets cast out into the internet. This overtime draws in leads. _______________________________ 2.) Every social media, other link, partner business, software you use, needs to capture whatever lead you attain through your efforts. Don't send your leads to another location but keep it locked into your "web". Combine this with some simple automation to capture the ones you may miss due to your schedule, and keep past clients on a valuable email or SMS campaign to keep them interacting, in a non-salesy way to your business. _______________________________ 3.) Backlinks are important. A backlink is a link that routes back to your website. One thing that many people don't realize is that every youtube video posted acts as a backlink back to your website. Those keywords combined with the fact that youtube, instagram, facebook, are all authoritative platforms that add validity to your online presence. This is why social media is important. _______________________________ 4.) Once you are ranking, especially in a higher density population, you can ensure a steady stream of leads just by "existing better online" _______________________________ 5.) When you provide value on the internet it creates compounding returns. Anytime someone looks up a certain thing anywhere, your future 100 plus blogs, social media posts, good reviews, your review replies, all build your reputation and authority in the space.
New comment May 15
Insights From A Google Software Engineer & SEO Expert That I Spoke With At a Global Business Conference
0 likes • May 15
@Rex Anderson oh, and my community is free, there isn't a membership based thing yet😄
1 like • May 15
@Rex Anderson not BS-ing anyone. You give stuff away from free until people ask. It's like step one of the co-owner of this platform stand By your argument everything would be content marketing. If 99% of the people do nothing with what I posted, then I gave them free information with no catch. If 1% decides to look further into what I have to offer, then cool. But whatever the outcome I would have posted it regardless. The post is by default free. Wish you the best sir
Have Over 100 Members, And Finally Dialed In On My Community Focus
Please Tell Me What You Guys Think About Everything I've Laid Out So Far (Two-Three Months in the Skool Games) -Call me a late bloomer but I'll be making a paid community later that is another level of service above the free one ____________ As silly as it may sound, I didn't at the beginning align my skool group with my company. It was two completely separate projects: (1.) Growing My Skool Community & (2.) Growing my company I think I've successfully aligned my "value ladder" in my company to have skool being a direct part of it. where as before, it was a hoshposh of things not really focused towards one objective It used to be something along the lines of: "Marketers, entreprenuers, & business minded people can meet and network" Pretty vague looking back on it now ______________________ which was extremley split in terms of what it was actually about, where as now, I've simply laid out exactly what I do for my clients, and I think it makes alot more sense now! Would love your guys' opinion on my about page and how useful it would be to you if you were a local business owner looking to grow with website traffic, Google business page, SEO, Automations, & more. ___________________ Current Discovery Page Description: "Local Business Growth: learn How To Increase Website Traffic, Optimize Google Business Page, Get Automations To Respond To Every Lead, and More!🌐" I think it's alot more clear as far as what to expect out of it. And also what you think about my message as a whole if you were a stranger, didn't know who I was, and what your immediate perception of myself and my community to be. Any recommendations or thoughts for continued improvement? I appreciate the feedback! Have a happy Tuesday everyone!
New comment May 15
Have Over 100 Members, And Finally Dialed In On My Community Focus
1 like • May 15
@Eric Ardito thanks man
1 like • May 15
@Eric Ardito trying to build up my company and community slowly but surely. Reaching success is taking long then I'd expected. I'll keep pushing though
77 Members!!! (Local Community For Local Business Growth)
Did I Word My About Page Well? I have the community created, primary classroom resources consolidated, and am always looking for ways to improve my value proposition on my about page. Played with 14 + different about page text. I've framed been pushing it towards the best way to frame it so that it would be appealing to local business owners, those interested in starting a business, and/or someone that wants to learn how to help other businesses grow. I grew a local business by 24% in 90 days with strictly (Website, SEO, Google Business Page, Referrals, Reviews, & Automations) Heavily inpsired by Alex Hormozi and consistently reinforcing business principles and it WORKED!!! Now I guide people through it all on my community with my own instruction, consolidated resources across youtube, and answering any questions they ask about building a digital foundation. - - - I believe my community could save business owners thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours, and in the future every sector of business growth will be covered by bringing in experts regarding: - SEO, - Websites, - Google Business, - Social Media Organic, - Paid Ads, - Industry specific leaders, - & any other natural step that can help businesses grow I'm doing my best to frame my about page to convey the value of all of this. I would love to hear your opinions regarding how I wrote out the page. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Wish you all the best!!!
For Those Going Through Hard Times: This Is For You - Have Hope & Don't Quit ($180,000 Per Year Business Model?)
Soon to be out of active duty Army/ Soon to be veteran, Served 4 years, About to go to university, and been building my agency while I was still in. Many months of studying while at work in our down time, studying till 1 AM trying to find a path so that I don't have to stay in an unfullfilling situation, feeling hopeless for alot of my time while in, gave 100% effort in everything I did for the first two years in, went through some really hard times, but realized quickly that it was not what I wanted for myself. I wanted self agency, my effort to build towards an outcome that was directly proportianal to my competance, even if I was bad at what I did at first. If I earned 1,000$, 10,000$ or 100,000$ at all, at least that was reflective based off of my competance and value given. I can live with that. I started giving free value to a local business out here in Kentucky near Fort Campbell, (USA), and with everything I had been studying I got him 24% growth in 90 Days! I took a page from Alex Hormozi and took the SEO $300 Per month model, but added in a comprehensive service package that covers: - Website Creation - Website Hosting - Website Optimization - Website Management - SEO - Google Business Page Optimization - Google Business Page Management - Reputation Management - Automation (That when no one could get to the phone, the customer was sent a message within 5 minutes of a missed call, got sent to the website, were able to fill out a self bookin customer calendar, and both parties were notified of the trial/first day to show up) - I tried to solve all of their problems Through my efforts, and his business growing, He was happy to pay me after I proved my worth! It's a bit of initial set up and customization, but the maintanence isn't bad! (And local businesses need my help due to this being time consuming, businesses needing their digital foundation created, other agencies charging alot, and people want long term trustworth, promise fulfilling partners.)
2 members have voted
For Those Going Through Hard Times: This Is For You - Have Hope & Don't Quit ($180,000 Per Year Business Model?)
People Are Skeptical About Private Communities?
I was bringing up the topic of my private community and I was talking about how the first 100 members get lifetime free access, but after that considering switching to charged based on how much value I can pack into it between: - Me as the host - Crowdsourcing knowledge of other business owners - bringing in industry experts to answer specific questions - Accredited course topics and contents to the fact checking source from Alex Hormozi's own content as a reliable resource Has anyone else had this experience? What do you say when they seem sketched out? Do you just do what Alex was saying, and just have the community as an open invitation, and they don't have to take it, just keep doing what I'm doing? Thanks for the answers everyone and good luck to you. _________________________________________ Oh and if it doesn't conflict with your own business, if you guys know any business, marketing, entreprenurial minded people that need a free place to learn, I don't mind if you send them over to my community : ) If I know anyone that would fit into your community topic of discussion in my life as well I'd happy to send them your way. Either way have a good day everyone and I hope you all succeed.
7 members have voted
New comment Mar 17
People Are Skeptical About Private Communities?
1 like • Mar 17
@Mike Morales it may be people who are not very familiar with technology, or have no frame of reference to make a judgement. Either way, if you want to pop in my community real quick to see what I'm posting, maybe you could give me some critiques. I think I'm headed in the right direction but maybe as a community owner yourself you might be able to give me a different perspective. You are welcome to join and see, you don't have to stay : ) Either way man thanks for your input Wish you this best💪
0 likes • Mar 17
@Antonio Matijevic I take a similar viewpoint to you, though public entry groups do serve their purpose, for community engagement it often times leads to not very invested, Taking mentality people, at least in my limited experience, Thank you for your input Antonio.
1-7 of 7
Tanner Sullivant
29points to level up
HighLevel Quest & HighLevel Vault Community Partner - Focused on Strategies Regarding Skool, GHL, and Local Business Growth✅️

Active 22m ago
Joined Feb 27, 2024
Seoul, SK
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