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The Terence McKenna Experience

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What was Terence's take on the idea of channeling?
Darryl Anka started channeling Bashar in 1983. Terence McKenna zoomed out in 2000. Did the two ever meet? I would have paid a kidney to hear that conversation. There is also Jane and Seth, Carla and Ra, Esther and Abraham - lots of channeling went on during Terence's lifetime. Curiously, I don't think I have ever heard him speak on the skill/phenomenon (human being and extraterrestrial being align their energies, human transmits extraterrestrial thought forms in human language - that's the idea). What was Terence's take on it? One could make the case that he was doing it himself. One could even make the case that everything is some form of energy channeling... P.S. Writing this post, I saw a very strange light flash by outside my window🥳
New comment 5d ago
What was Terence's take on the idea of channeling?
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@Jonas Jonsson Jane Roberts (Seth) wrote extensively about that dilemma, where she said she knew she would get more credibility if she claimed the work as her own, but it did not feel right. As if she was lying, since in her regular consciousness she does not have access to such perspectives and information. She decided to take the woo hit, than take credit for something that very much did not feel like her wisdom. If she did claim it and it became known she wasn't as sharp as Seth, it could destroy all credibility of everything she'd every written as Jane or Seth. If you read into the books written from Jane's perspectives, you get a very deep insight into what it was like for her and her thought processes in regards to channeling. She was highly resistant to it for the longest time also, and her input feels very honest and raw. As if she could be any of us in that situation. In addition Ram Dass talks about "not every disembodied being is wise" which i think is worth noting.
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As a lover of his contribution to humanity, and someone who regards channeling higher than your average Mckenna fan (context: i've witnessed someone dear in my life spontaneously channel and i was like wtf), I'll offer my two cents, despite that not being the full convo topic! I've consumed a lot of channeling since, and what and sounds correct to me, albeit not repeated as often as it should be: Our access to knowledge and perspective is infinite because we are infinite, yet when coming into density through the body and psychological-socio-cultural-spiritual framework of the person involved, it becomes filtered through that person. (Hence why many prophets of Religions in the past seemed like they 'got it', but at the same time missed the mark.) So the idea is some people have more of a filter than others, and it takes heavy discernment to navigate those kinds of works. The best source is doing it yourself. For example, Daryl i think does well but still has a decent filter, like the fact that Bashar had something to say about 'who wins the election' and was a very west coast-new age friendly answer, didn't seem like something Bashar (or any multidimensional being) would comment on, especially not in he manner he did given the tension/division/fear it creates. And as i mentioned in a previous reply, Ram Dass says "not every disembodied being is wise." Some food for thought. I love Terence but he had enough crazy going on for him. I see why he steered clear of channeling, it's too much of a jump for many.
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Lissa D
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Human biologics, unknown psychic origin, present time occupier

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