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Owned by Susan

Soul Awakening Solutions

Private • 164 • Free

Develop your psychic abilities, master energy healing, and embrace the transformative energies of the new 5D consciousness.


Conscious Business Accelerator

Private • 11.9k • Free

Skool Community

Public • 133.6k • Paid

5th Dimensional Reiki

Public • 356 • Free

Faro's Consulting

Private • 100 • $99/m

Community Creators Club

Private • 1.7k • Free

Full Time Purpose Group Study

Private • 1.3k • Free

Rising High with Lavender

Public • 6 • Free

Skool Affiliates

Public • 4.3k • Free

The Skool Games

Private • 17.1k • Free

31 contributions to Skool Community
Monthly Course Subscriptions
Hi all. We have one time purchase now which is awesome! Is there any plan to create monthly subscriptions inside the classroom. I figure that is the solution to my current dilemma of having a paid membership through another platform and a free community with access granted to specific courses for the paid membership. So here's my suggestion: Create a monthly membership purchase similar to the one time purchase. This would allow us to have tiered membership fees inside our communities without having to use another platform to collect fees. I'd love to hear what others think
12 members have voted
New comment 7d ago
Monthly Course Subscriptions
2 likes • Jul 24
@Caleb Martin I'm hopeful that it's coming!
1 like • Jul 24
@John McMeniman absolutely this is the final feature I need to change over everything to skool
$180 in 3 hours (YOU can do this too, easily)
watch the loooooom video - sell before you build - make an offer - add bonus w/ scarcity - make money - deliver - do it again
New comment 27d ago
$180 in 3 hours (YOU can do this too, easily)
2 likes • Jul 17
This is now my todo for today! Thanks so greatly appreciate you sharing your strategies
Naming Your Community & Top Mistakes To Avoid
Your name is not critical to selling your offers, but it does make a difference. When naming your community it is important to keep things simple! 🗒️ **Note** As much as it can matter, take the pressure off knowing that you get to refine and change it but just have something to start with. The difference in a good name vs a bad name can make all the difference in the world when it comes to people discovering your community and making a decision to join or consider joining by moving on to read your about page. Your community name can also affect the way you show up on the discovery page and how your community is categorized. Focus on key words your ideal potential member might be searching for and when they see your name it clearly communicates who it is for. Imagine one of your members talking to a friend and mentioning you community name. Would that person they are talking to understand it clearly without them explaining any further? I want to cover 3 specific types of community names that work and what the pros vs cons are for each one. Before we get into them, let's cover some of the basics that you must be clear on before naming your community. 🗒️ **Note** You can always change your community name later, don't overthink this, just make it clear and concise. The simpler the better. Keep it simple and direct. 🧠 Understanding the 4 P's 🧠 People - Who specifically does your community help? (Avatar / Ideal Who) Problem - What is the problem you are helping them solve? Promise - What is your promise / what result do you help them get when they join? Process - What is your unique way of solving their problem with your own unique differentiator? The 6 Clarity Questions ❓ The 6 Clarity Questions ❓ 1. What will attract my ideal customers? Be clear on who it is for. 2. Where are they now? Be clear on how it solves their problem. 3. What outcome can they expect? Be clear on the outcome. 4. What are they searching for? Be clear on keywords. 5. What is the hard thing they’re doing that they want to avoid? Be clear on the pain.  6. What will it do for them? Be specific as possible.
New comment Jun 26
Naming Your Community & Top Mistakes To Avoid
1 like • Jun 26
Thank you so much! This exercise is such an amazing opportunity to take my community to the next level!
Found another way to promote my community on skool!
Just yesterday I realized I can toggle between prices. When I sell my courses outside of skool I invite the members to join for free by email so yesterday I was inspired by the new feature to look for ways to promote and grow my community when I'm doing in person events. I found I could toggle the price. So, created a join for free day promotional QR code for the market, shared it to social media and my newsletter and I got 8 new members! Thank you for the new feature inspiration! I'm thinking I might make this a weekly or a monthly thing. Which do you all think would work better?
4 members have voted
New comment Aug 3
Found another way to promote my community on skool!
1 like • Jun 25
@Kristine Diñoso thank you
$1 Skool Community or Free?
What are the pros and cons of a $1/month community vs Free? TIA
New comment Jun 27
$1 Skool Community or Free?
2 likes • Jun 23
Advantage the $1 blocks the scammers & spammers that join free communities to spam them with self promotion
1-10 of 31
Susan Goodman
12points to level up
Soul Awakening Solutions is my community. I am an author, spiritual awakening guide, psychic development teacher and I channel angelic energy.

Active 2h ago
Joined Feb 14, 2024
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