You will not always be right.
This doesn't mean you are not smart enough, it is just how life works in general. In your interactions with people, speak more confidently about topics you have facts around and scantily on those you can't fully evidence. It is just wisdom. Irrespective of how brilliant You are, some of your perspectives will be wrong and that should be fine. That you got something wrong does not diminish who you are, in fact, it immediately provides you an opportunity to learn something new on the spot from those who know better. Your ego will take a hit from time to time. Pay no mind to it, it's just ego. 🦋 Consume knowledge 🦋 Leverage the knowledge of others through their challenge of you 🦋 Apply the combined knowledge in the most diverse form. That's true brilliance. Leave space for others to challenge you and share more updated information with you. Let them add value to you in the most meaningful way. Pay attention to your body language when you are being challenged. It immediately gives you away as either childish or mature. It also determines if others will continue to feel comfortable to challenge you going forward. Do you go mute once you are corrected? Do you argue endlessly on a topic you have no concrete facts on? Do you make every conversation with you difficult by insisting you have the last word on an issue? Do you often generalize and subconsciously expect everyone to have the same experiences or views as you? Do you close meetings without acknowledging others or asking them for their views? If you must continue to grow in your career and business, have strong opinions held lightly. Most importantly, know when to let go, especially when you are right. Yes, there are cases where you may be right but let go if you know the other person is not ready to take your word for it especially when the stakes are low. Move on! There is no added value in instituting yourself as an authority only to make the other person feel uncomfortable. Go and be fantastic today.