Max Conversions really overspending
Hey guys, i recently switched to a max conversion's strategy with a TCPA, to try and get more conversion volume in my account. Its been about a week since the switch and google is really overspending on the bids (more than double what I was paying), I know CPCs isn't the main concern with max conv but I haven't really seen an increase in conversions in this timeframe (only 1 conversion with $550 spent, and my TCPA is set to $200). Google has Overspent my daily budget by double, in the last 4 days. I was wondering if anyone could offer some advice, here is what I was considering: -Give it 1 more week to see if conversion volume increases -switch to a portfolio bid strategy to limit CPC's and potentially get more clicks -Switch back to Manual to try and get more control and conversion volume in the account before retrying max conversions -Lower the tcpa to force Google to spend a bit less on keywords What would you guys do in this situation?