Neuroscience Research Team: Want To Apply?
Hi everyone! I’m thrilled to announce that starting in February 2025, I’ll lead a new research team called SPARK: Students Pioneering Advanced Research and Knowledge in Neuroscience. Over the past few months, I’ve had the incredible opportunity to explore the world of neuroscience—learning about research, writing multiple papers and articles, and collaborating with professors on various projects. These experiences have inspired me to take the next step: leading an ambitious neuroscience project with a dedicated team. Our goal? To produce high-quality research that will ultimately be published in the International Journal of High School Research. It’s a big target, but with a strong, collaborative, and committed team of 6-7 members, I truly believe we can achieve wonders together. If you’re passionate about neuroscience and excited by the prospect of joining this venture, I’d love to hear from you! Feel free to comment on this post or send me a private message. Please note that the team will begin its sessions in February 2025, so be mindful of any scheduling conflicts before applying. Let’s spark something extraordinary! (P.S. Once you send your message of interest, I will provide you with a Google Form where you can submit your research.)