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The 4D Copywriting Community

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4 contributions to The 4D Copywriting Community
First Copy draft
after a week of procrastinating a lot and overconsuming copywriting content, I finally wrote my first copy. what do you think, guys? WHAT YOU LEARNED ABOUT SALES IS A LIE I know it’s hard to believe. I get it. If you’re really a salesperson, you’ve been taught that the hardest seller out there is ‘the most excited one’ or ‘has the best presentation’. Oh, here’s the worst one: ‘Apply pressure’ or ‘Don’t take no for an answer’ or ‘Convince the prospect’. Honestly, I don’t curse often, but that’s B.S. If you pitch like that in 2024, you might as well try selling ice to an Eskimo. It’ll be a long process to get that promotion. You’ll end up like a mediocre seller, blaming sales when you quit your job because things didn’t work out (God forbid though). Because really… That is the same reason stats record most people having a bad experience with sales, and the same reason you have to extend your LOA and work harder to get that single sale. The truth is, no customer needs convincing. For Pete’s sake, you don’t have to be ‘super excited.’ Prospects are adults. They know when they’re being sweet-talked. They know when you’re desperate to meet your target. They can smell it like a week-old sandwich in the office fridge. So don’t try to convince. I know it’s tempting. But don’t. Instead, persuade. There’s a difference. Convincing them is selling your product for your reasons. Persuading is helping the prospect reach a decision that they already had made in wanting the SOLUTION of a product (note I didn’t say features, but SOULUTION). That’s why you have to care. And I don’t mean investing your emotions in every prospect. Asking questions is the best way to show you care about a customer. Questions are key to a successful sale: find out the need, the problem, the pain. Then use your product as a solution to it. Trust me, they will eventually reveal a ‘yes’ themselves through their answers. You don’t have to manipulate them. So, if you still want to sell in 2024, please. Don’t convince.
New comment Jun 6
Copy Practice
Sup G's - one question: when you practice copywriting and building your portfolio, how do you actually start? Do you search for companies of the niche you desire, then write for them before hand? may you please explain to me how does it work?
FIRST AND MOST IMPORTANT: DO NOT CREATE NEW POSTS OR THREADS IN OTHER CHATS ASKING PEOPLE TO SUBMIT THEIR COPY. YOU WILL GET BANNED. WE KEEP THINGS ORGANIZED. From now on, Every week or so I will create a new post like this and you can submit your copy or outreach in the comments below. Other people will still be able to review it, And you can still leave comments to each other, While we make everything more organized. Here is the template for how you should share your copy: "<type of copy> in <niche>: <link>" Example: 3 Emails in the fitness niche: <link> Here is the template for how you should share your outreach: "<type of outreach>: <link>" Example: Instagram DM outreach: <link> Now share your copy and outreach in the comments below until the end of the week, And make sure you come here to review other people's copy & outreach as well! That's it for this update. Costin.
New comment Jun 1
0 likes • May 23
hey brothers, who has the link to the discord group?
Request for Interview: Feature on Young Entrepreneurs in Online Business
Hey Brothers/Sisters I'm a media University student from South Africa (UCT), and I'm trying to write a feature article about a wave of young entrepreneurs reaching financial success, especially during High school years. I wanted to find someone I could interview for my assignment, and I thought I would find some people who could help. NOTE: I'm not interviewing you to be a parasite on your skillset experience. Instead, I want to interview you about your experience on being 'financially free', how does that shifts your personal relationships and how does it shift how you see TRADITIONAL EDUCATION as a teen. I apologise for posting irrelevantly, but your contribution would help on my assignment. Honestly desparate😅
New comment Apr 29
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Sibulele September
2points to level up
19 year old trying to break out the matrix

Active 39d ago
Joined Apr 27, 2024
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