When you think it’s healthy, BUT it’s not…
Over the weekend I was babysitting my granddaughters and they wanted to go to Booster Juice. I thought this was great, not asking to go to McDonald’s haha! So off we went and they each picked their flavour, & of course I decided I should get one too. It was going to be a busy day with the munchkins so I better get my energy stocked up. I chose one that was called High impact with high protein…… I did not feel great all morning long, blotted & gassy. I’m like what the H… I thought this was a good choice, NOT Afterwards I did a check on the ingredients. 26 gr protien, but 70 grams of sugar and full of carbs. NOW I know the why I didn’t feel good. ( I still had a blast all day with my girls) Note to SELF: there is always that wolf in sheep’s clothing 😂. Always do a quick check if this is what you are looking for….