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6 contributions to Kingdom Culture Revolution
Pull back the velvet rope for our VIP’s
Please help me give a warm welcome to our new members: @Kristin Kurtz @Debbie Reed @Sarah Kuhlman @Sheena McKinney @Steve Wormer @John Murphy @Clint Riggin @Kevin Gebert @MelAnn Morales @Angela Welch @Vona Johnson @Maureen Riley @Andrea York @Kevin Gregg @Christine van Tonder @Ingrid Morgan @Monique Horb @Tammy Rice We’re so glad you’re here! If you haven’t already, tell us where you’re from, something about your family, and what you like to do for fun. Comment on at least two peoples responses by noting what you have in common and like 3 responses to get the connections flowing.
New comment 4h ago
Pull back the velvet rope for our VIP’s
1 like • 11h
@Andrea York conversion copywriting specializes in copy (words) that bring action-- and in the case of business, "sales"... as one goal. An ecclesiastical holistic practitioner-- the online definition is "Ecclesiastical Medicine includes all the latest in scientific studies and principals of the practice of Alternative/Functional/ Integrative Medicine and maintenance of homeostasis of the body, mind or spirit of a person under the Kingdom of God." It provides constitutional "protection" in the US to combine spiritual beliefs as a basis for approach and treatment. I am not practicing right now... It was an adjunct license to my board cert... Hope that helps.
2 likes • 10h
@Lisa Vanderveen most yes, I also watch some on Hulu.
Happy Sunday!
Just want to let everyone know that I typically will not spend a lot of time here on Sundays. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but this place is so fun it can get addictive! I’ve been convicted that I need to do things differently; that we are in a culture war and are called to be counter-cultural…to be IN the world but not OF it. This has been confirmed multiple times. So in that spirit, I want to set the standard, which means that Sundays are a day of rest and connection for our family. Your day of rest may be Saturday…or Wednesday. Whatever it may be, enjoy the big beautiful world around you and disconnect from your devices! For now…Something fun for you! I’ve been challenged to select a “theme song” for this community. I’m taking nominations this week, so drop your favorite beat and we’ll vote on it! Blessings!
New comment 2d ago
Happy Sunday!
2 likes • 2d
@Angela Linville OMGoodness... THIS is the song I was going to nominate! I vote for this one!
Are you ready for a year of Aligned Action & Abundant Blessings???
I have been following the Hebrew calendar for about 5 years now and am so incredibly blessed by what the Lord has shown me and how He's healed my heart in His perfect timing each month as I align my heart with His. In October 2022, I got intentional about planning for my 1:1 and group clients using the Hebrew calendar and I will never go back to planning without it!! There is something special about knowing that God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and that we can look at Scripture and see the Hebrew calendar themes in the stories preserved within those pages. We are currently in Elul, 5784 until October 2nd and then the year 5785 begins... numbers are very important in the Hebrew culture and language and 5784 has been a year of Open Doors. As we move from 5784 to 5785 we are walking through the Open Door into Aligned Action & Abundant Blessings! and I am SO Ready for this!!! What do we need to take Aligned Action? 1) Mindset Alignment: thoughts, feelings, actions all lined up with His Truth and excited to take the Action Steps He asks us to take. 2) Spiritual Alignment: empowered & equipped to live free from enemy attack and spiritual warfare. 3) Vision Alignment: passionately following Holy Spirit's lead as you trust His perfect timing. What the Lord has shown me as I've pondered all of this is that He is waiting to partner with us to create abundant Kingdom wealth through healthy relationships with Holy Spirit (who leads & guides us), Self (we need to believe that we are worthy of the blessings He has for us) & our Community (who are we called to bless as we have been blessed?) So Excited about what is coming!! What has the Lord been showing you lately?
New comment 7h ago
Are you ready for a year of Aligned Action & Abundant Blessings???
3 likes • 2d
SOOOO READY!!! I first heard about the Hebrew calendar from you-- so interesting and I'm excited to continue to learn more from you!
A BIG question Christians need to ask/answer for themselves...
Have the gifts of prophesy/healing/tongues ceased? (are you a cessationist?) or do they continue? (are you a continuist?). WARNING: This is a rabbit hole and a poke-the-bear kind of topic.... @Angela Linville challenged me to broach this... so here we go 🐻 Like a lot of our spiritual growth, this topic might be a journey in and of itself to land on your stance on this... you may be on a continuum. Why is this important? I believe as we march toward end times and as we are in the Hebrew year of the Door, that the veil between the natural and spiritual is thinning and we are going to see more and more "signs and wonders" both from the dark and from the light (from God and not from God). I encourage you to get with God and our Bible and an open heart/mind on this. Here's one person who has done a deep dive on the topic-- it's a review/rebuttal of the documentary about cessationists (those who believe these gifts have ceased). I confess I have not watched the whole thing... but it seems to be a balanced and Biblical and gospel centered approach and possible a good starting point for you if you do not have an answer to this question or want to reaffirm or decide where you stand. Cessationist: A Critical Evaluation of This Documentary
New comment 3d ago
A BIG question Christians need to ask/answer for themselves...
2 likes • 5d
@Angela Linville yesssss!!!!
Controversial Topics
I believe we need to start having deeper conversations, especially about the more controversial topics in the church. If we as a society can’t put on our big boy/girl pants and engage in these discussions, what does that say about us? We don’t have to *agree* on everything, but we should be open to *understanding* other perspectives. It’s not about who is right, but *what* is right—and seeking the truth together. These conversations don’t have to turn into debates or arguments. We can disagree and still respect one another, keeping it clean and focused on learning. Let’s ask the deeper questions and hear each other out. I’d love to know your thoughts on this—do you think we need to have these conversations, and how do we approach them in a healthy way?
New comment 2d ago
3 likes • 5d
Yessssss! We need to know what we believe now more than ever and be able to talk about it. I posted on this topic... before I saw this one-- apologies for that overlap... I love that we are having these conversations and can do so with love and grace!
1-6 of 6
Sheena McKinney
13points to level up
I untangle TECH for speakers & podcasters to move faster with less cost & frustration. I also polish the message to move, transform, and sell!

Active 10h ago
Joined Sep 14, 2024
Sammamish - near Seattle
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