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6 contributions to GoHighLevel w/ Robb Bailey
Largest client yet!!!
I've been full time selling GHL for almost 4 years and been slowly raising my services prices over that time as I've gotten more clients. I just received payment of $8,700 for one-time setup of new website and GHL onboarding. Then monthly services will be $4k. This puts my agency at $10k per month. Now just need to make sure to deliver results so they don't churn out. Anyone have a white label SEO/PPC agency they are really happy with?
New comment Jul 26
0 likes • Jul 23
@Brandon Barnard $497 of it is GHL. $2,500 SEO, $500 PPC, $500 SMM.
0 likes • Jul 23
@Jason Jackson thanks Jason
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Aloha! Welcome to GoHighLevel w/ Robb Bailey... This community helps GHL users + agency owners get the tools and resources needed to generate sales and make a positive impact on the world. Step 1: Introduce yourself below! (✄ copy/paste template 👇) - Where are you from? - What are you working on? - What immediate help do you need? Step 2: Discover How to Unlock all the FREE BONUSES in the Classroom and get your TRAININGS! Step 3: Unlock Agency Masters Elite by signing up for (or upgrading) GHL here! ------------- You’re here to claim your bonuses. But why are we here, giving away bonuses? Our mission is to add you to our collection of success stories. You can see a couple hundred of them here. Here’s the good news: They all started out just like you, reading a welcome post from us, just like this. Here’s the bad news: You’re not getting the same step-by-step system they all got. Here’s the other good news: You’re getting today’s step-by-step system - which is the best version yet. Why? Because we are always learning and improving the entire system. Which means you’re starting with the best we have and, as it improves, you will automatically get those improvements. Cool? Cool. -------------------------- Best practices in this community: • Level up by posting result shares, insights and thoughtful comments. • Help others level up by liking 👍 good result shares, posts and comments. • Be kind - no self promotion here. • If you need help, just ask the community 💪 Aloha y’all, 🌴 Robb
677 members have voted
New comment 15h ago
🔥 Introduce Yourself! 🔥 [Start Here... ]
0 likes • Jul 19
@Mary Alegbeleye Hi Mary, I've been using GHL over 3 years and would say I'm pretty versed in automations. What kind of help do you need?
4 likes • Jul 19
Hello everyone, I'm in a bit of a different situation than most. I have been using GHL for almost 4 years and have around 20 clients but am struggling with the marketing services part of my business. I've been going back and forth with white label services versus in-house but it's overwhelming to try and be an expert in SEO, PPC, SMM, etc... and haven't hit a revenue level where I can hire experts in each field yet. I'm here to learn how to scale my business. If anyone has experience with a quality white label agency for marketing services I'd appreciate the referral.
DBR, SMS or Emails?
Hey guys, I am new and I have a question: I have a list of 5000 emails and I would like to know if I can do the DBR with emails, because I see that everyone does it through SMS. I would appreciate your help. Thanks
New comment Jul 22
3 likes • Jul 10
@Ana Duque with what's going on with SMS banning it may be safest to start with email anyway and get them to opt-in to messages again before doing SMS. Your first email could just be a button to opt-in to receive special offers which opens a prepopulated form and asks for phone (if missing) and the opt-in message.
2 likes • Jul 10
@Ana Duque then for sure get their opt-in before sending SMS. Can't be too careful with A2P. If more than 2% were to reply STOP or report as spam you could be shut down. Good luck!
How To Avoid "High Opt Out Rate" In DR Campaigns??
Hey guys, for context, I am about to start a new DR campaign in the CrossFit niche for one of my new clients. Although I am a little bit hesitant on how to format the "unsubscribe section". For my last client, my A2P verified phone number got disabled halfway through the campaign for over 3 days, because I had "high opt out rates". When delving into this, I realised that this was out of my control; because the list given was over 5 years old, so many people found it useless and instantly unsubscribed. My only solution is to maybe improve the offer, but that is what I should always be doing anyway. Another idea I had is to word the unsubscribe section differently: for example: "Reply STOP to unsubscribe" ------> "Let me know if you aren't interested or just reply STOP" My hypothesis for this is that giving them an option to say no, rather than an instant DND might lower the opt out rates. Could anybody give their opinion or tips on this, I would be massively grateful, thank you
New comment Jul 18
6 likes • Jun 17
I could be way off here but I don't use sms for a list like this. I start with an email and rather than have the unsubscribe at the bottom which hurts domain deliverability, I use two buttons, "Yes, continue sending me info" and "No, remove me from your list". These options take them to a landing page with other options but they key is the trigger causes workflow to set the DND rather than them unsubscribing. Or we set a tag then delete all the contacts after a couple weeks. Of those that remained, then I feel confident in sending sms.
2 likes • Jun 22
@Tiffany W We do something similar. We say, "if you do not want to receive promotional messages, reply 1. If you want to be removed from all messages, including appt reminders, reply NOTEXT. With this we set a tag to remove them from marketing messages but can still communicate via sms to drive the sale.
Invoices, Product & Prices Marketplace Webhooks
[SUMMARY]: Shaun from Highlevel brings exciting news for developers utilizing the developer API. He announces new marketplace webhook events for invoices, products, and prices. Developers can now subscribe to and utilize events like invoice creation, updates, voids, and payments, as well as product and price modifications. For full details, Shaun points developers to the comprehensive documentation available at This episode is a must-listen for developers looking to enhance their app functionalities with these powerful new tools. Click to watch the Full Release Video: #Invoices, Product & Prices Marketplace Webhooks - Step by Step Walkthrough - Key Takeaways - Notable Quotes - Resources
New comment Jun 18
Invoices, Product & Prices Marketplace Webhooks
0 likes • Jun 18
Does anyone know if this is also added as trigger options in zapier?
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Shawn Moser
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I'm a technology enthusiast who is passionate about creating innovative solutions to everyday problems. I'm the founder and CEO of

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Joined Sep 17, 2023
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