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Day Trading for Beginners

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42 contributions to Day Trading for Beginners
Future goals
What are your short-term and long-term goals in day trading, and how are you planning to achieve them?
New comment 7d ago
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@Kenneth Porter It’s definitely not going to happen if you don’t make a plan. The difference between a goal and wishful thinking is a goal has a map of how you are going to get there.
Goals ………
No matter what you're doing, setting goals is a practice that helps you stay focused and provides a way to track your progress. In a moment, I'll explain what makes a goal effective and how to hold yourself accountable for achieving your goals. Your goals should be realistic and specific. Setting goals that are unlikely to be achieved doesn't help you; instead, it can lead to disappointment if you fail to reach them. It may also encourage unnecessary risk-taking to meet the goal. For example, if your goal is to turn £1,000 into £1,000,000, you're likely to take on so much risk chasing a big win that you might end up losing most of the £1,000. Goals should also have a defined time frame. Without a deadline, there's less urgency to achieve the goal. When setting goals, be sure to include a specific date by which you will evaluate your progress. For example, if you want to become a millionaire by age 26, you can check on your 26th birthday to see if you've met that goal. This eliminates guesswork and procrastination. Lastly, goals need to be measurable. Similar to setting a time frame, measurable goals keep us accountable by providing a clear pass/fail evaluation. Vague goals like "I want to be rich" are easy to ignore because there's no clear way to know if you've actually achieved them. Here are my personal goals: 1) Complete the Stokes course by January 1, 2025. 2) Start live trading with a small account by March 1, 2025. 3) Earn £10,000 in the first year of live trading by March 1, 2026. 4) Reach 14 stone by January 1, 2025 (just one stone to go from 20 stone!). Your goals don’t need to be solely related to trading; they can be personal as well.
New comment 7d ago
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Good luck on number three though. Of course you don’t have the PDT rule to deal with and I don’t know how much capital you will be working with. I’m not saying it’s not possible, but you better be disciplined about your trading process, including getting out at your stop loss.
Paper trading accounts
Anyone want to weigh in on their preferred trading account? As recommended, I joined Think or Swim and Trading View. Is it worth looking around at others?
New comment 11d ago
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I’ve always used Thinkorswim…. I remember doing research about trading platforms when I first started trading back in 2017/18. Stopped trading for a few years and didn’t even think about going with another platform.
Financial News
Where do you get your financial news? I have the "free" ones like Yahoo Finance and CNBC but was curious if yall plan to, or already are, subscribing to any of the others out there and if so what is your recommendation? I used to pick up a WSJ every once in a while YEARS ago and see a "special" pop up on my Social Media pages and was curious if anyone thinks these places are relevant and worth it now for day traders.
New comment 27d ago
3 likes • 28d is one I have on my phone and look through sometimes. Some other ones you may want to look at are: I personally don’t worry about the news that much, though my broker has a news feed that I use when selecting stocks as part of the strategy I’m using. I like Finviz… I never used it for news, but they the have tab called “Group” and you can get an overview of market (US markets) as a whole divided up by sector or industry. I don’t us it anymore since I got used to using the heat map on my trading platform. Though I still think it’s pretty cool. I haven’t done any swing trading in several months, but if I wanted to look for new in more detail than what’s provided in my platform for any particular stock I’m looking at, I would go to one of those two. The news feed on my platform, already sorted for the stock I’m looking at, summarizes articles and gives you the info your looking for without having to read the whole article. It also has a link to the article it’s getting the info from. I use when I want to read some general stock news, though they have much more, or I’m looking for more info about why the market behaved a certain way on a particular day.
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New Trader
Hi All! My name is Patrick and I am excited to start my journey in day trading. I have dabbled in the stock market since 2007 but didn’t really get anywhere and like most people threw in the towel. I have some capital now to play with and want to eventually retire early from my career and just do day trading to keep a sustainable income. I’m excited to start this journey once again but doing it properly. Looking forward to learning and discussions with you all!
New comment 14d ago
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Hi Patrick!
1-10 of 42
Scott Roy
11points to level up
Not exactly new, not exactly old…

Active 2d ago
Joined Jun 2, 2024
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