Hi guys, Thought I’d just put in here the books im reading for Q1, realistically I’ll read all of these by end of Feb but will likely re-read a couple of them in March too: Read in this order: 1) Psycho-Cybernetics - fantastic book to explain how your mind can work to help you achieve your goals 2) Atomic Habits - Now that you’ve learned how to used your mind with scientific evidence from book 1 it’s time to implement what you’ve learned by forming new positive habits and getting rid of bad ones through proven techniques 3) 7 Habits of highly effective people - At this point you’ve learned how your mind can work for or against you in book 1, book 2 taught you how to build positive habits. This book is about which habits you should implement into your life to make you more effective. 4) The 10X rule - to achieve your goals usually you have to do 10X more that what you think is necessary. This book illustrates that is a great way. Hope this was useful to someone.