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Solo Q Solution

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17 contributions to Solo Q Solution
What do I do here?
How do i win this? Im ahead in my lane im fed. Yorick is not a grouping champion. Post game lobby got alot of harassment from enemy team. they played more like a team then my team. Master Yi on my team refused to show for team fights, taxed in lanes not just mine. My reaction: (meme)
New comment Aug 19
What do I do here?
1 like • Aug 15
@Roaming Rick you're not paying enough attention to your teammates to join the fight in time
1 like • Aug 19
@Roaming Rick of course he's not but if you disregard the fact that you can make an impact through grouping, you're not allowing your play to be flexible enough
ADC Coaching in 45 minutes
Hey guys our group Session for coaching will be happening in 45 minutes, please gather your questions, and vods and we will be seeing you in our discord below! Join here!
New comment Aug 8
Idk what I was supposed to do here
( I'm not making good context here just I lost severely bad against a gragas top who played really well against me.) I thought iceborn would help me 2 item here for some reason later at the end I realized no.... It didnt help me at all.
New comment Aug 6
Idk what I was supposed to do here
1 like • Aug 6
@Bracken Sturrock This is the best take honestly since Catalyst helps you sustain and you can just get through laning phase when don't get navori, get visage first so you can overcome gragas poke and should be fine
Frankly hysterical Varus build
Hey folks, I wanted to bring your attention to this cooked Varus setup. Tldr varus is obscenely broken at the moment especially with the rune jack of all trades This is an insanely easy pick to pull off in mid or top (works botlane but i think is probably better solo lane currently) W > E max Nashors locket/redemtion > malignance > Zhonyah/riftmaker/Mpen Varus gets cd refund based on how many blight stacks he pops with spells. this build will literally delete every champ in the game with a relatively simple spell + auto rotation Auto 2-3 times then r then auto once e auto auto w q. make sure you only ever tap q in fights as you arent building ad. then just pop locket/redemption whenever you feel like it Rune page is pta 1 1 2 and inspo 3 0 3 +ad variation included in attachments for harder matchups/when you need to go ad
New comment Aug 6
Frankly hysterical Varus build
1 like • Aug 6
I think ap varus is brutal in any lane but bot lane since you have access to more gold in other roles, amazing take my man. and he's also very flexible summoner spells wise can get all between barrier, tp and ghost
MB's Clip for 'ADC Mastery' > 'Pre-Game' > 'Pre-Game Checklist'
Hello all, This is my first post in this community. After going through the section of 'ADC Mastery' entitled 'Pre-Game', I am posting a clip for the 'Pre-Game Checklist' video to fulfil its action step. In the video, Coach Leo spoke of three pre-game aspects to consider: - Assess whether you can attain level 2 first and determine your strategy for the first three waves - Acknowledge whether a 3v3 benefits or harms your lane and visualise your options in the 3v3 matchup - Remain aware of the summoners spells as key cooldowns in the 2v2 I reviewed my previous game along those guidelines. What did I learn? A lot, actually! Here is the clip: What I learned: - I did not assess whether I could gain level 2 prio as Kai'Sa/Rakan into Jinx/Soraka. Looking back at this, I'd thinking the Jinx wants to Q2 onto the wave and Q2/Q1 poke me and Rakan. I expect most Jinxs are afraid of the knock-up from Rakan and would play more defensive if he postures aggressively. It's reasonable to assume we can get the level 2 prio since Kai'Sa's Q is an excellent wave clear tool and any 50/50 trades would benefit us early with an enage support. - I did not think about the first three waves. Now I'm under the impression that a 3-wave crash would be more beneficial, since me and Rakan needed some space to play out our engage strategy. This means some poke during/after the crash would be reasonable. The video states a ward after a 2-wave crash is optimal while a ward at 1:20 (prior to the lane starting) for a 3-wave crash is optimal. I managed to do this successfully! In terms of the execution of the crash, I did not accompany the wace completely, so the crash was only semi-successfully. Furthermore, I began to hit the wave immediately afterwards, which shows I was not thinking about our matchup strategy at the time. I should have waited for the wave to come towards us, match their level 3, and then look for an engage kill. - I did not assess whether the 3v3 would benefit my lane or not, nor did I visualise how the matchup would play out - both in terms of what Hercarim likes to do and how I would outplay/setup the ganks. Looking back, I can definitely see Jinx wanting a more stable lane, so the volatility which did end up ensuing benefitted me accidentally. The jungle matchup was Twitch vs Hecarim. I'm unsure when he usually ganks, but I do know that I need to play to the left handside of the lane to avoid his Q. The core move would be to dodge the Jinx W. Flash would be the last resort. - I do ping the enemy summoner spells and runes every game I play, so the point about being aware of key summoner spells is partially fulfilled. However, my thought process doesn't go beyond this process. I think, in theory, my playstyle should change based upon my access to summoner spells and the state of the opponent's summoner spells. I do communicate when they are down, and I do acknowledge when an opponent has no spell during a fight, but I could definitely improve my gameplay when I myself have spells on cooldown.
New comment Aug 6
1 like • Aug 6
we have a very clear mindset on what we are trying to achieve, excellent work my man, investing yourself a lot is key to success
1-10 of 17
Ruben Smith
9points to level up
Hey, my name is Ruben and I'm a professional League of Legends player/coach. My main goal let’s surpass your limits together!

Active 7d ago
Joined Jul 15, 2024
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