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Facilitator Club

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7 contributions to Facilitator Club
UK Facilitation Design Thinking Career
Hi everyone, I notice a lot of people are from the UK here. Does anyone have any recommendations for UK based design thinking or facilitation focused consultancies? I am excited at the prospect of learning to be a facilitator but I don't know if I want to be just another solo freelancer. Are there any agencies or communities I should look at? Thanks!
Workshop music for the easily overstimulated?
I understand the reasons behind using music in workshops. But as a person who is easily overstimulated by background noise, I am curious to know how this plays out in the workshop world for other sensitive people. It's a brain thing for me: In person, I have a hard time holding my part in a conversation when there is background music (or, worse, talk radio or TV or another conversation happening nearby). I can't listen to music while I work or I get too distracted. It's like my brain can't prioritize what it's hearing. For what it's worth, I don't have ADHD. I find myself zoning out when there is background music, or struggling to focus on what a speaker is saying (and yes, this is true for me with some of the AJ&Smart YouTube videos as well). I wonder if others have run into this, either as facilitators or with your workshop participants. I am open to using very low-level music during workshops, or specific parts of workshops, if I can find some that I can tolerate. I would love to hear your thoughts -- and your playlists, if you have curated anything specifically with this in mind.
New comment Feb 26
2 likes • Feb 26
I find soundtracking the whole experience can add a new dimension to the workshop. It makes it more like an immersive experience. I like to have something fun creative and engaging at the intro when people come in. It also sets the tone that this is different to a stale meeting. Of course I completely echo everyone's thoughts about instrumental, calm sounds during thinking activities. Sometimes something more energetic when things start feeling a bit long or focus is running low. Gotta read the room! and asking the client is of course super important. don't want to accidentally stumble into anything controversial!
Facilitation style assessment
Hi there! Do you have some facilitation style assessment to recommend? :) Or any cool article or book to understand possible styles. Thanks!
New comment Feb 26
0 likes • Feb 26
@Bogdan Grigore Wow these are super great. Thanks for sharing. Sometimes we forget to meta facilitate our own learning/improvement journey 😁
Is Facilitation Right for me? where to start
Hi Everyone. I am not sure how I got here but it seems I have stumbled upon the right Mario pipe! I have been a long follower and enthusiast around design thinking and workshop facilitation. I actually have facilitated a few workshops accidentally without realising it. I was part of a community that was handed a step by step guide on conducting a workshop and I just ran with it. It was successful and even sometimes really fun. After a few times I found myself able to add flavour to some of the techniques like when an amateur cook gets comfortable ammending a cooking recipe. Unfortunately I stopped working with that organisation and then there was no need to facilitate anything. However when I think of career change there is a lingering feeling that I would be good at that. I got lost trying to do IDEO design courses but in the end I know I am not a Pen and paper designer of products or codes or marketing strategies. I care about the process more than the outcome. I recently found AJ Smart, or perhaps I was targeted to find them and seeing some of the videos and am now lead to this community. It does feel like my people but I am still at the edge of the pool testing the waters. So is this it? Am I meant to be a career facilitator ? How do I start? Do I try these expensive courses or are they just instagram targeting traps. I would love any thoughts or feedback from anyone who started and is further along the journey than I am. Thank You !
New comment Apr 17
0 likes • Feb 14
Thank you both these are extremely useful and insightful answers. I will explore more further and deeper as I figure out how to develop a “niche” or look for role models that are doing well.
0 likes • Feb 14
I do think facilitation does align with my values and career goals. I believe strongly in the magic of collaboration, playful creativity, bringing multiple perspectives in a room to explore diverse opinions to reach a coherent conclusion. I believe that not just the eldest or most credible in the room has the best ideas. As you say j need to figure in what context to use these skill. Have either of you done paid AJ smart courses?
📍Where is everyone from?📍
Hello Facilitators👋 I'm really curious about where everyone is from. I'd love to make this a mega post where we can see how diverse the Facilitator Club community is. Who knows, you might find a lot more people in your area than you thought! Once I have lots of answers on this post, I want to make a nice graph!
New comment 7d ago
📍Where is everyone from?📍
5 likes • Feb 13
London England
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Rohan Mehta
10points to level up
Wannabe Great Facilitator

Active 29d ago
Joined Feb 8, 2024
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