My 30 Day Challenge To Make $25k
Hi skool fam! First off, thank you to everyone who has contributed to this becoming what it is. I am so grateful. Secondly, I am launched my community (finally!!). I have my first member with many more on the way. I've had some gnarly setbacks lately, but the vision and my conviction are stronger than ever. Yesterday I began my challenge. Today I had the most powerful experience of divine inspiration... so now new community is now live and being built (link in my profile). I will be documenting everything I learn here + on my social media. Any support is welcome. If you want to get up to speed on why I am doing this, and how I plan to - watch this video... and follow along for this crazy ass thing I am doing. @Andrew Kirby thank you for giving me the cheat-codes I am finally taking action on lol. Failure simply isn't a fucking option.