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Fractional Referral Network

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10 contributions to Fractional Referral Network
Introducing myself
Hi everyone, I just joined today. I am looking forward to learning as much as you can from everyone and share my knowledge, and experience in any way that could help this community. I pivoted early this year from an international corporate finance career to an Executive coaching path. I am also starting to offer fractional work in finance mostly towards organization, reporting, process, planning and strategy. I am always happy to know new people and chat, so feel free to reach out. thanks Remi
New comment 7d ago
Introducing myself
2 likes • 15d
Hi @Katelyn McArdle, I am really starting now, but my focus at this point would be to work with recruitng or HR services company on a Fractional CFO or Business coaching role.
0 likes • 7d
thanks Dan!
Workplace tensions!
From your experience, what is the biggest source of workplace tensions that make workplace culture toxic?
9 members have voted
New comment 7d ago
3 likes • 15d
I would probably say that all of these answers have an impact and so the ability to manage conflicts. To reduce tension it's usually good to create a safe environment where testing and failing is possible, where we can learn from it and keep inovating. It usually comes from the leader being able to show some vulnerability that will build trust. The other side of it is to be clear on expectations and roles. Poor expectations and roles definitions create usually grey zones that contributes to tensions.
2 likes • 7d
@Dave Condinho very true, poor communication around expectation very frequently turns into people understanding different things although they believe they are speaking about the same thing. That's what I call the Rubik's cube syndrome.... we can all agree that we are talking about the same Rubiks but each of us might be describing it with different colors.
I will be on the weekly call tomorrow to discuss CFOs and budgets. Join me and gain some insight into the shackles and hackles of finance
New comment 9d ago
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love the cat.. unfortunately I will be on another call at that point
Member of the Week - Cosmin Gabriel
@Cosmin Gabriel you did it again. You are the 7 day leader of engagement! Thank you for your support. @Michelle Silva and @Kristy Crockett you came in second and third! Love having you all here. Keep up the good work. The more active you are, the more resources you unlock and the more people will recognize you as a potential referral partner. 😁
New comment 27d ago
Member of the Week - Cosmin Gabriel
0 likes • 27d
Congrats Cosmin 👏
Acronyms Every Fractional Should Know
I once worked for a company where everyone spoke in acronyms. It was a great way to make sure nobody knew what was going on! "We need to put the PVAs in the L-CAM and then record our PITs." 😵‍💫Nothing obscures language more that an acronym. Here are some business acronyms that every fractional should know. Feel free to add to this list in the comments! Sales Acronyms: 1. CRM - Customer Relationship Management: Software used to manage interactions with current and potential customers. 2. SQL - Sales Qualified Lead: A lead that has been deemed ready for direct sales follow-up. 3. BANT - Budget, Authority, Need, Timeline: A framework used to qualify leads. 4. MQL - Marketing Qualified Lead: A lead that has interacted with marketing efforts and is considered more likely to become a customer. 5. ABM - Account-Based Marketing: A focused approach where marketing and sales teams work together to target high-value accounts. 6. ICP - Ideal Customer Profile: A detailed description of the type of company that is a perfect fit for your product or service. 7. KPI - Key Performance Indicator: Metrics used to evaluate the success of sales activities. 8. ROI - Return on Investment: A measure of the profitability of an investment. 9. CAC - Customer Acquisition Cost: The cost associated with acquiring a new customer. 10. CLV - Customer Lifetime Value: The total revenue expected from a customer over the duration of their relationship with your company. Marketing Acronyms: 1. SEO - Search Engine Optimization: The process of improving a website's visibility in search engine results. 2. PPC - Pay-Per-Click: A type of online advertising where the advertiser pays a fee each time their ad is clicked. 3. CTR - Click-Through Rate: The percentage of people who click on an ad after seeing it. 4. CPC - Cost Per Click: The amount paid by an advertiser for each click on their ad. 5. CPL - Cost Per Lead: The amount it costs to acquire a lead through marketing efforts. 6. CTA - Call to Action: A prompt on a website or marketing material encouraging the user to take a specific action. 7. CMS - Content Management System: Software used to create and manage digital content. 8. UX/UI - User Experience/User Interface: The design and functionality of a website or app that enhances user interaction and satisfaction. 9. SaaS - Software as a Service: A software licensing and delivery model in which software is accessed online via a subscription rather than installed on a computer. 10. RTM - Real-Time Marketing: The ability to react quickly to events and market opportunities as they happen.
New comment 27d ago
1 like • 27d
Other acronyms related to systems API Application Programming interface (doors to connect different software together) EDI Electronic Data Interchange (protocols of transferring data between system) RPA Robotic Process Automation (tools to automate recurring processes) SQL Structure Query Language (very frequent language to work with database)
0 likes • 27d
@Kristy Crockett 🤣.. yes kind of does it, indeed
1-10 of 10
Remi Vogel
32points to level up
Multilingual, international corporate finance, now specialized in Executive coaching, and fractional CFO for restructuring finance function.

Active 15h ago
Joined Aug 13, 2024
Toronto, Canada
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