Things don’t always go the way you plan.
Things do not always occur the way they did when you planned it in your mind. This is a fact of life. And if you cannot accept this, you will rush around in resistance to the inevitable. You will end up reacting into every little thing that is wrong with your life. This is a miserable existence, (I would only know because ^that^ was me today). Instead, we can accept these mistakes, frustrations, and failures, remembering we are human. We can choose to recalibrate into the present moment, feel the fresh gift of oxygen in our lungs, be still in the presence of God’s goodness, revisit our reverence for life. Knowing that one day, we will die and pass on from this earth—like everyone before us—we can dive deep from this high point of clarity into the depths of this very second, the ocean ever unfolding, the now. It here we engage with pure focus and clear intention, an undivided attention set apart for the only thing that exists, which is here and now—the unfolding. We must learn to wrap our attention around the vital things in life, even when life goes off course and it feels pointless. If we do not raise our eyes and lift our heads, how can we confidently walk the path before us? We cannot, in the distraction and drama of this broken world, make sense of life. We cannot find meaning in the shallow concerns of the masses, whose minds have been quietly programmed into modern slavery through the addictive, twisted, toxic substances, content, and lifestyles promoted by a broken system. We cannot find true healing in the poisonous medicine we’ve been fed–spiritually, physically, and mentally. There is nothing but reaction and noise in the black hole. The black hole is the infinite trail of lies that lead to reactivity, hate, bitterness, self-pity, self-distraction, avoidance, blame, division, discouragement, and the deep pit of defeat. In the noise, we become slaves to the world. This is where the enemy wants you. Quietly submitting your entire life over to those quiet thoughts and behaviors that eat away at your true identity and conform you to the world.