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Better Skool

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Skool x AI tribe: Building next-gen extensions & flows to turn the Skool superhuman. No basic automation - we hack smarter, not harder.


2 contributions to Content Academy
Why Are We Really Here?
A lot of people underestimate how hard it is to help people achieve their dreams. Especially if we're coaching them to level up through acquiring new skills or removing roadblocks. Bottom line: Helping people change their lives is extremely difficult. Why is this important? because I think far too often building a business online has become about marketing, offers, copywriting and closing the deal, and NOT about how to make the best product in the marketplace. We are all encouraged to use the internet to build our dream lives by selling products, but so phew people talk about how do you create an AMAZING product. In fact most of the advice is that you already have everything you need to start a business, they say -- "you just need to help someone a few steps behind you". Which is really only partially true. Being slightly ahead of someone else doesn't really mean you know how to coach them to get to where you are now. It doesn't mean you can't figure it out either, but don't fool yourself that it's going to be easy. You can put material in a course, and you can learn how to sell it. You can even get 100 clients, but that doesn't mean you have a good product. Without a good product that REALLY works you will eventually fail. That early momentum you had, the 5-10 clients you had, that will all go away if you can't eventually develop and improve your product so that it's really really really good. How often have you received a testimonial only to feel deep inside that this person is just doing you a favor? I had lots of those in the beginning, "Yea, Stephen is a great guy, loved working with him" -- this is a testimonial from someone who "likes" you, not someone that really loved your product. People might like you, and they may not regret working with you, but do they really rave to others about your product? So you have to ask yourself why you mostly focus on marketing and closing deals and not on customer success. Sometimes even when we're experts we don't always know what will make our customers successful. But you have to start thinking about it, you have to start taking repeated and sustained actions to improve your product and figure it out.
New comment 17h ago
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Really resonated with this, especially about 'nice' testimonials vs real impact. Time to focus on building a true masterpiece that transforms lives, not just another offering. Thanks for this important reminder about product excellence! 💯
Welcome! Introduce Yourself HERE 🔥
Hi! Welcome to the Content Academy. This community is designed to help you build a profitable content strategy, efficient team & automated content process. Step 1: Introduce yourself in THIS THREAD below! (✄ copy/paste template 👇) Where are you from? What are you working on? What immediate help do you need? Step 2: Read the rules and checkout our free courses and paid programs
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New comment 17h ago
Welcome! Introduce Yourself HERE 🔥
4 likes • 5d
Hello! - Where are you from? Living in Tokyo, from Korea and speaking Turkish! - What are you working on? Working on how to make the Skooler life better, helping others productivity. - What immediate help do you need? Looking for what automation solutions we have in this community and what will be the limit ! ( or see if there is no such limit 🚀 ) Cheers!
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푸르공 Tokyo
11points to level up
이것저것 다하는 N잡러 🗼 Based in Tokyo 2016 ~ 개발 | 자동화 | 생산성 | | N8N

Active 7m ago
Joined Nov 12, 2024
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