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SpeakPreneur - Community

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7 contributions to SpeakPreneur - Community
Getting to know Patrice Baker
Hello Jean, I am in San Diego, Calif! My workspace below. I like to speak and coach women over 50 on the inside stuff. To see themselves with the wisdom and grace of who they are, from the inside out, and overcome their insecurities, doubts and fears so they can say YES to the powerhouse woman the are designed to become. It's an inside job! I have a 6 module coaching program that helps them do just that. I am offering a beta test for 1 module over 3 weeks for $100 to get testimonials so that when I speak to a women's group on September 19, I will offer the full 3 month/90 day program -valued at 3,000 - with special pricing for the event. After speaking with Logan I realize the I need to be closer to my speaking community --- miss the excitement. Also, I have a podcast Soul to Soul With Patrice C. Baker. I desire to be interview by other podcasts hosts so that I can reach my dream of being interviewed by Oprah Winfrey. Expanding my speaking will also generate the income for me to keep growing my business and my ability to touch more women's lives. I like your overall program and believe that it has the components to take my business where to I want to be and beyond. Great talking to Logan. Peace & Blessings, Patrice
New comment 23d ago
Getting to know Patrice Baker
0 likes • 27d
Thank you!
1 like • 23d
Happy to see you!! I am learning already!
Getting Gigs!
Hey my name is Tyrone! I’m new to the group. I want to go all in on this program , but I’m in need of getting my talk on a few stages first! would anyone have any suggestions for how I can do this? Email templates? Marketing ideas? For some clarity, I’m a former Foster youth that does magic and illusions. I want to speak at middle school and high school events in order to inspire them through the shows I put on. Thank you!!
New comment 24d ago
0 likes • 24d
Working on a business!
Hey everyone, my name is Kenneth and I am a high school student residing in New Jersey! So far I've built up a business which has saved customers over 180k in spending across 6 continents within the span of one summer, and would love to continue with Speakpreneur's program to expand how much we save customers and more! Great to meet y'all!
New comment 24d ago
0 likes • 24d
Coach Yourself
Any time you get to speak, be sure to record yourself or have someone record you. With almost everyone having a smartphone these days, this is easy. I dont care if it is on stage, in a ZOOM, or in a business meeting... GET A RECORDING! Then after a day or two, watch, listen, and analyze it. First start the recording and turn your phone away from you and just listen. Listen to the sound of your voice, is it clear? are you loud enough? do you have filler words? Do you repeat words? Do you sound confident? are you rushed? Thoroughly delve into how you sound. Next watch the recording on MUTE. How is your eye contact? Posture? Body language? Hand gestures? Facial Expression? etc. Really take the time to critique how you look. Finally, watch with the sound on and see the talk you gave in its entirety. Is your body language and expression consistent with your words? your message? Is anything missing? try to identify 3 things you did well, and at least 3 things to improve. I have done this since 2012, I still have every speech given on a 2 TB hard drive. I occasionally go back and analyze speeches from years ago and constantly pick up new things to improve and work on. Its also fun to see how far I have come on this journey.
New comment 24d ago
0 likes • 24d
Love this!
10 Things You Should NEVER do as a speaker
1. Use a template - learn to tell stories, improv when needed, and entertain - not imitate. 2. Give a long intro - make intros tight… just a few sentences - your speech should speak for itself. 3. Wear a costume - be you. Be authentic. But do not make your clothes more important than the talk. You need to shine above your style choice. 4. Start by introducing yourself - jump right into storytelling or a great opening. Your name is not interesting. 5. Over teach - people want to be entertained more than educated. 6. Show up cold - Make sure you either know the audience well or arrive early enough to see other speakers and get a feel for the room. 7. Treat AV team or support as support - treat them as your best friend that you deeply appreciate. You need them to help you shine! 8. Be dependent on tech - Use tech, have tech, all of it - but if it all fails be able to run without it. 9. Expect people to ask to work with you - always have a specific plan for people to take a next step. 10. Be low energy - On stage you need 5x more energy and on camera you need 10x - bring the juice! Bonus - Do NOT wait to be perfect or have it all together - go speak!!!
New comment 14d ago
0 likes • 24d
Good points.
1-7 of 7
Patrice Baker
10points to level up
Patrice Baker, Author, Speaker and Coach for women over 50 helping them to see the wisdom & grace of who they are - from the inside out.

Active 23d ago
Joined Aug 23, 2024
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