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Gentlemen´s Forge

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9 contributions to Gentlemen´s Forge
“I have no idea what I’m doing”
I’m going to be real with you. That constant feeling of “I have no idea what I’m doing” never goes away. I’ve felt it myself, and I’ve seen it firsthand in people I thought had it all together. It actually doesn’t matter how many businesses you’ve built or how much success you’ve had. I first felt it back when I was an amateur MMA fighter, barely able to make rent, sleeping on gym floors, eating rice and chicken every night just to survive. And I still feel it now, even with multiple businesses running at once—that same feeling still creeps up in the back of my mind. I’ve sat down with famous actors, top-tier entrepreneurs, multi-millionaires— even billionaires—and they all admit the same thing: No one has it all figured out all the time. But here’s the thing… That feeling? It’s a sign you’re pushing yourself to the limit. It’s the price of growth. The idea that things get easier after a certain level of success is completely wrong. The fear, the doubt, the voice in your head telling you maybe you’re in over your head—it’s always there. And it’s never supposed to disappear either. The only people who don’t feel it anymore are the ones who’ve stopped growing. They’ve gotten comfortable, accepted their limits, and quit pushing themselves. But that’s not how I operate. And if you want to achieve greatness, it can’t be how you operate either. That doubt? That uncertainty? Embrace it. Because when it shows up, it means you’re stepping out of your comfort zone and into the place where real progress happens. And that's exactly where you NEED to be. - Luke
New comment 12d ago
“I have no idea what I’m doing”
1 like • 12d
Success lies in discomfort indeed, luke why don't you start your newsletter ?
People choose to view things as they want to view it. Rather than what the reality is. So effective communication is what you need in the real workd to thrive. It dosen't matter if it's your life, business,relationships everything boils down to comunicating your message. GET FUCKING GOOD AT IT.
New comment 1d ago
Choosing a Mentor
Age doesn't always equal wisdom. Just because someone's older doesn't mean they have all the answers. Be careful who you listen to. Before you blindly follow their advice, ask yourself: 1. Do they have the life I want? Even a little bit? 2. Can they teach me anything, even if it's lessons from failure? Always be critical about who programs your mind. Because their advice is shaped by their experiences, their worldview. And that worldview has led them to where they are now. If you don't want to end up like them, maybe their advice isn't worth following. Instead, look for the guys who inspire you. The ones whose life you want to emulate. Listen to them. Learn from them. Choose your mentors wisely. - Luke
New comment Aug 26
Choosing a Mentor
1 like • Aug 26
Absolutely agree luke, Mentor helps you create a path of success much effectively.
Transform Your Mind, Dominate the Cage
People have the idea of confidence all wrong these days. The notion of “faking it till you make it” is bullshit. True confidence isn’t about pretending; it’s about something real and deep. Without it, you’ll crumble when the fight gets tough. Let me tell you how I found the real deal. Back in my early fighting days, before the UFC, when I didn’t have many wins under my belt and was still learning how to dial in effectively with my training, I stumbled across an old documentary about Mike Tyson and his legendary mentor Cus D’Amato. Cus was brainwashing Tyson with positive affirmations, exploiting a brain loophole called the Pygmalion Effect. The Pygmalion Effect is a psychological phenomenon where higher expectations lead to an increase in performance. Cus used this to mold Tyson into a champion. He constantly fed Tyson positive affirmations, convincing him of his greatness. Tyson didn't just believe he was good; he knew it. That’s when it hit me: I needed to bypass my conscious mind and tap directly into my subconscious. I realised that to truly believe in my potential, I had to reprogram my mind. I developed a 3-minute ritual to do just that, and I called it the Ultimate Fighter’s Edge (UFE) ritual. At first, nothing changed, but I kept at it. Slowly, I noticed improvements. I was calmer, more focused, and more confident. My coach promoted me to a blue belt. In my third amateur fight, I dominated my opponent. I went on a 17-fight winning streak. I tried out for The Ultimate Fighter, got selected, and signed with the UFC. All thanks to my 3-minute ritual. For years, I kept this ritual a secret, but after I retired, I started sharing it with a few select fighters. They got amazing results. So, I decided to create a program to share my secret with the world. Here’s what you get: ✅A step-by-step guide to the UFE ritual. ✅ Techniques to bypass your conscious mind and boost confidence. ✅Practical tips for mental preparation before fights. ✅Access to a private community of fighters for support.
New comment Aug 14
Transform Your Mind, Dominate the Cage
3 likes • Aug 14
Confidence is the self belief you posses about yourself.
You Reap what you Sow.
Strive for excellence ? Surround yourself with excellence then. Want to be fit ? Surround yourself with fit people. Want to be millionaire ? Surround yourself with millionaires.
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Omkar Jd
6points to level up
Asian, high ticket sales, fitness

Active 12d ago
Joined Apr 14, 2024
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