Introduction - And my experience about the DP-600 exam
Hi Everyone, I am Akos and I have 15 years experience in data engineering, reporting and analysing. I also have 8 years experience in business process and data process automations. I started in the old school world like automating excel reports with VBA and or VBS using SQL server jobs to schedule data processes, etc... Now I'm working in a MS environment with Power BI but no Fabric enabled, we are using databrics to run notebooks and do ETL/ELTs. I am using Power Automate for most of the process automations. So I am working with MS tools but not using complex cloud solution. I hope MS Fabric knowledge will be a big boost not only for my career but for the business ares I working with. Honestly I wasn't aware about Will's youtube content until this wednesday. I started my Fabric journey back in April with the Microsoft Learn AI Skill Challenge where I got my free exam voucher. So I read everything related on MS Learning and did all the labs and exercises. I have lots of experience with Data / Automation / Reporting including Power BI but only a little in cloud environment. So I signed up for the exam, what I did yesterday. The day before it I wasn't sure in my knowledge so I started to look around what can I find about DP-600 on youtube. Actually I watched the whole 12 parts of the DP-600 preparation which was helpful to put some missing pieces in place. My exam was succesful however it was everything but not what I expected. I got 56 questions with 9 in case study and 3 grouped at the end without moving back possibility. 100 minutes it's easy I thought but it wasn't. I had 3 questions marked for review and still had 3 before me when the time counter was at 8 minutes. Luckily the 3 grouped question at the end has no long decripiton and was about the same function so I did them fast and I had a few minutes to check the marked questions and submit. I don't say you don't have time because still 100 min is enough but you can't freeze so if you don't know the answer check something mark for review and move on.