I took my agency from 0-10k MRR in 23 Days
Not a fancy post, just wanted to share what worked for me to build fast and still have a good amount of free time 1) Lead Magnet- Big fast value. I literally give away an ebook with every strategy we use and make them read it before the call. This makes them trust me. 2) Disqualify early- On the set call if they display they won’t pay high ticket I don’t schedule the call and I send them our low ticket mrr course on Skool. We’ve added about $600 MRR this way and it was on 5 minute set calls with disqualified prospects. I’m only taking 2-3 close calls per day 3) Anyone can join even if they’re broke- I’m super flexible on payments. As long as they put at least $50 down and can get me $500 within a week they can join. They still pay $1500 per month, just super creative on the payment plans This has led to a CAC of $420 and average 30 day cash of $1200. LTV is $6700 when I used to run this agency so that’s a 16x ROAS with those numbers I hope this helps someone. My advice, if you’re broke don’t be picky just sign clients lol. If they can pay $500 take $500 today and $1000 two weeks from now when they’ve made some money. This is all assuming you do provide results so provide real value🙌 Keep killing it everyone💯 Ps: crack paid ads fast trust me it’s worth it