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Brothers In Arms

Public • 1 • Free

Join our brotherhood for young men seeking personal growth, entrepreneurship, and finding their value in society together.


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2 contributions to Brothers In Arms
48 Hour Fast
I have lived with Type-1 diabetes for 21 years, and always believed an extended fast wouldn’t work. I tried a couple times and naturally, lost to lower sugars. I recently however MADE IT WORK! And oh boy, the benefits are INSANE. Therefore….. I wanted to see if anyone here has successfully completed either a 24/48/ or 72 hour fast and if so, what were the benefits that you had experienced? Mine Included: - No mid day fatigue - Amazing concentration and focus - Higher energy levels - Great sleep and easy wake up - Best blood sugar control in 21 years - Fat loss
Let's form the brotherhood that will create tremendous change in our society
Hello Gentlemen! As I sit here writing this, I am sat in a cafe in South Korea having just given my life a lot of thought. I must admit, I feel inspired!! Everywhere you look, be it in South Korea, United Kingdom, USA, Germany, Canada, India, China, Australia, you name it, there are millions out young men out there who need help...... I was just taking stock of my life, how truly difficult it has been to get to this point. Here are a few picks from memory: - Lived in a hostel for 12 months, and a car for 3 months. - Lived with an auto-immune disease for 21 years - Suffered years of mental and physical abuse as a youngster - Grew up in a very broken home where I didn't learn to understand love at it's purest form, which is what I ran away from. - Failed my school exams, and had to lie to get into University - No real family relationships - A lot of self-doubt combined with a poor sense of worth - Thousands in debt. You get the point... But the thing is, my story isn't really even special. It's standard. We all come from struggle, be it health, financial, relational, spiritual. But not all of us manage to find the way to go far beyond that. It's quite literally like we carry around these labels that were given to us as children, into adulthood, afraid of making strides because it will somehow release us from who we were always told we were. I have been fortunate enough to make many strides in my life thus far. But MY GOD, did it take severe discomfort to get there. As I sit here now, thinking of the past, I can also reflect on some of the positives: - Found and married the love of my life - Quit my 9-5 and started a few different income streams - Sorted out my health and become conscious of the internal and external repercussions of abuse - Befriended amazing people worldwide, including even some celebrities which even surprises me to this day. - Started a family - Got my degree (despite failing school) - Re-built broken relationships - Become a public speaker (which I love)
1-2 of 2
Nathan Berriman
5points to level up
I help young men find their value in society, through personal development, entrepreneurship, and through community.

Active 21h ago
Joined Mar 13, 2024
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