BEST Type of Job... (When Building Your Business)
The best type of job to have when you're creating your online business... As far as working a normal job, while building your business... You might be asking yourself... Is the answer no job at all? So I can put ALL of my energy into my passion? Or is it smart to maintain a "good" job so I am financially supported during the transition? Of course, everyone is different but neither of those two is ideal. The best type of job one can have as you're building your business is one that requires as little "bandwidth" as possible, even if that means less pay... (and it normally does) It's great to be able to pay your bills so you aren't under constant pressure. But it's important that you have gas in your tank each day to create your business. Many times "good jobs" work you LONG hours and are very HIGH stress, leaving you stuck, with no time or energy to make a change. Another scenario I see a lot is... Some people feel like they're not really committing if they have any type of job. BUT trust me from personal experience, it's not fun when you are unable to pay your bills. You then create your business from a place of NEED, desperation, not creative passion. So what to do in your exact shoes? Maybe your situation is unique, it probably is, life isn't this simple. Luckily, when it comes to a passion project we all benefit from the tremendous support of our inner guidance system. The next right move will present itself through gut feelings, synchronicity, and your inner knowing. THAT is what we always recommend taking guidance from, not us, not these messages, but yourself!