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0% Conversion Rate accross all campaigns for 4 days - HELP!
Hi all, I noticed that since Friday all of my campaigns have generated 0 sales, which is super ODD as we have had great results, especially with the brand search and brand pmax campaigns. I made a few small adjustments to the budget on Friday, but it's seems very weird and unlikely that this could lead to a complete drop in conversion rates. From Google's Conversion dashboard, it shows that it's recording activity but that the last conversion recorded was on Friday. Have you guys ever experienced something like this? I am a bit lost as to how to troubleshoot -- would really appreciate any insights. Thanks so much! cc: @Austin LeClear
New comment Aug 19
2 likes • Jul 29
got it -- thanks for the additional context here @Austin LeClear. Much appreciated! Once I figure out what happened I will report back :)
1 like • Aug 12
Quick update here -- it was in fact an issue that happened when the client made a code change to their Shopify website. The issue is still ongoing after 2 weeks (ouch). Hopefully they will be able to troubleshoot soon -- we were able to get them a call with a Google Tag Tech Support this week
Client wants to apply some wild daily budget changes for BFCM period - would love your opinion.
I am working with an ecommerce client who has provided the following daily budget request for the Black Friday/Cyber Monday period. They want us to update the budget daily to ensure we're spending these amounts. Have any of you ever taken this approach? I have not and I am concerned that increasing and decreasing the budget every single day per their guidance will lead to performance issues. I'd appreciate your POV and how you'd respond to this suggestion. Can we make it work, or should I suggest we have a monthly budget up a week before Black Friday and rely on seasonality adjustment or lower Target ROAS during the sales periods? I also realize I can create a new campaign during BFCM promo period to up the budget during that period, but the client is very keen on spending these amounts per day, so I'd have to manually update the budget daily, which like I said, feels off to me. Thank you for your help!
New comment Aug 18
Client wants to apply some wild daily budget changes for BFCM period - would love your opinion.
Brand Search Campaign - Says "Limited by Budget" but doesn't spend all budget - why?
Hi PPC gang :) I've noticed that my impression share for a branded keyword campaign decreased from the upper 90% to the low 80% since last month. I had been gradually reducing my daily budget because the campaign wasn't spending it anyway. For example, I had a $100/day budget, and the campaign was spending ~$700/month. I got the daily budget to $60/day, and now Google says the campaign is "limited by budget," which makes no sense bc it's not even spending $60/day. It's recommending a $140/day budget. I am back at $100 just in case. As far as the impression share, I do not see competitors show up in the auction insights, so I'm not sure why our impression share is so low now. The only other change (besides the budget increase) I made was to include a brand phrase match keyword, "brand name earrings," where before I was only targeting the exact match for the brand name. The bid strategy is max conversion value with a target ROAS of 1000% -- I've had consistently ROAS of 3,000% - 4,000% on this campaign, so I wouldn't think that the bidding the cause of loss of competitiveness in search / impression share. Has anyone ever experienced a similar situation? Any advice on how to get my impression share back to upper 90%s? Thanks so much!
New comment Jul 25
1 like • Jul 25
Thanks @Burt Campbell for the detailed recommendations! I increased the daily budget and turned off the phrase match keyword, and impression share has gone up slightly (from 83% to 87%). I am still not happy with it, but let's see if this trend continues.
AMA Google Ads - July 2024
PPC Gang, Send me your Google Ads questions in this thread and next week I will do a Loom video answering them and give my advice and will post in the group for everyone to watch and review. To Growing Your Google Ads!
New comment Aug 9
0 likes • Jul 25
Hi Austin, In preparation for Q4 - ecommerce client. We'll be increasing the budget significantly in October from $10K/m to $16K/m, and then in November budget is ~$20K, especially focused during BFCM. We currently have 5 campaigns running: 2 search (one brand / one non-brand) 2 pmax (one brand / one non-brand) 1 shopping catch all My question is: knowing that it's not advisable to do big budget increases in existing campaigns (I heard best practice is up to 20% every other week), what's the best way to scale during Q4? I was planning to increase budget on existing campaigns in October and also in November, but then have a separate BFCM campaign with dedicated budget. There will be overlap in targeting with this approach, so wanted to see if you have any better suggestions. Thanks so much!
Best Next Step to Improve a Brand Search Campaign
Hi everyone, I just started working with an ecommerce client and was hoping to get your POV on the best next step to increase the performance for this campaign. The past 30 days, this Brand Search Campaign's metrics look like: (note only keyword here is the business name) Avg CPC: $0.54 Conversions: 448 ROAS: 1,483% CTR: 61% Settings: The campaign is being optimized to Conversion Value / Target ROAS 800%. I already optimized the keywords (they were testing exact and phrase versions of the same KW), so I turned off the phrase match ones, which were much less profitable. I expect this to translate into improved ROAS. However, I know there's more room to improve this ROAS for a brand search campaign, so I wanted to get your POVs on the best next optimization steps: 1) Since we've been getting consistently higher ROAS than the target, would upping my target ROAS be the best next step? 2) Would moving the bidding to manual CPC help me lower the CPC w/out missing out on conversions? Any other ideas to consider? Thanks so much!
New comment Jun 7
1 like • Jun 6
@Austin LeClear thanks so much. That makes sense and gives me more confidence about my next step here. Cheers!
1 like • Jun 7
@Burt Campbell Hi Burt, thanks so much for sharing. That's so helpful. With my few tweaks in KW optimization and adjusting tROAS, I am already seeing significant improvements in ROAS, as my CPC is now averaging $0.20 (from $0.54). It's the first week post-updates, so it may be too soon to be sure if this will stay. But it's definitely encouraging. If this continues to improve or stays around $0.20 CPC, I might let it be. But if CPC gets more expensive, I'll definitely try running the 50/50 experiment as the next step.
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Michele G
9points to level up
Marketing Professional based in LA, CA.

Active 8d ago
Joined May 26, 2024
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