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Low-Carb School

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28 contributions to Low-Carb School
Electrolytes with Stevia
Hi, I’ve been wondering about the stevia in the Keto Pro electrolytes. I tried the unflavoured first and wasn’t keen on the taste so I mix it with the flavoured ones now which I like very much and my leg cramps have stopped. I worry about the sweetness though and the effects of stevia on blood sugar levels and hormones?
New comment 3d ago
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I have not had any of these but my general comments/questions are the following: 1) Cramps stopped after the flavored vs unflavored electrolytes? Kind of hard to make that statement because most cramps happen due to lack of hydration in the body so how exactly did you test this out? Any details would be useful 2) "Wasn't keep on the taste". Well, don't go for the taste. It's the minerals you desire, not really the taste. Perhaps diluting the serving in more water or putting it on the meal would make the difference. Also, warm vs cold water could affect your senses as well. 3) Stevia may spike insulin but from what I have heard, that is more of N=1 experiment. You may check the effect by doing blood glucose measurement after drinking flavored vs unflavored serving and see if spike occurs, and generally how it makes you feel.
Frustrated and Confused on weight gain
Hi Everyone. I am just coming up to 4 years carnivore and am very consistently strict with just meat, eggs, a little bit of butter and a little bit of cheese every now and again. Before carnivore I was keto for about a year. This way of eating has completely cured the bulimia that I struggled with for twenty years and I do not have any health conditions/ concerns. I have bounced between doing very high fat carnivore and a higher protein approach but cannot seem to find a balance that makes me feel good with my weight. I am not fat by any means but I find myself feeling uncomfortable in my clothes after a period of time on one approach after having some success. I have recently started tracking calories after listening to Judy Cho and have been aiming for 2000 (I am 5'8 and 36yrs) as her suggestion is that anything long-term below this kind of threshold will be detrimental. I have certainly been significantly below this in the past and whilst on carnivore more recently. I do crossfit three times a week, road bike twice and will fit in a run and/ or yoga if possible. I am to be honest confused if I am gaining muscle or fat as some days one seems more obvious than the other (the crossfit is a fairly new addition since Christmas before which is was primarily just doing cardio) Should I plough on with the calorie tracking approach and see what consistency brings or is there an obvious change I should be making. Any experience, suggestions or guidance greatly appreciated.
New comment 2d ago
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Roughly 1:1 ratio in grams, which is about 70:30 ratio in calorie percentage is a good starting point and then depending on your lifestyle and goals, you may need to lean into one or the other.
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@Alex Neill Correct. I don't really do butter much. I add it to my meat sometimes, but mostly use tallow as it's way better, better in a sense that tastes better, although I do not really care about taste but more for nutrients. I don't even use salt anymore. :)
newbie question
Hello 😊 i'm new it is only my 5th day that i cut all carbs and suger, plants from my diet so only meat, eggs some bacon i still drink coffee it helps with cravings i feel weak and lightheaded do you have any tipps can it be from carnivore?
New comment 3d ago
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You are losing significant amount of body fluids when you remove carbs from your diet, so your muscles will feel weaker and due to lower blood volume, you may feel lightheaded. Drink more fluids will help. Eventually your body will adjust
Question for Q&A - Increased thirst
I’ve been carnivore for 6 weeks (previously keto) and have noticed an increase in thirst during this time. I drink 2-3 pints of Richard’s electrolytes which do help, but often by the evening I feel very thirsty and need to drink a lot to try to quench it. It doesn’t bother me too much (aside from having to get up for the loo in the night!) but I’m just curious if there is a reason for this and anything else I can do to reduce it. I’ve assumed it’s because of less water intake from veg/salad but would be interested to hear if there’s another reason for this. Thanks.
New comment 9d ago
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There is a limit to which the body can excrete excess sodium. Sometimes, having less sodium is a solution, or drinking more water. It all comes down to concentration within your body.
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@Isobel Burke Sounds good. Glad to hear. Perhaps you were indeed too salty and replacing electrolytes with regular water helped lower the blood concentration. Keep this in mind for the future, so you can adjust your electrolyte levels if that occurs again
Coffee withdrawal
Hi all hope you're all well. Just listened to last night's playback and one thing really struck me. Richard said he had a migraine due to stopping drinking coffee. I stopped drinking coffee (decaf) about 10 days ago now and have had a migraine every day since. I have vision distortions for about 40 minutes and then a headache centred around the back of the eye that lasts hours. I was really worried and have seen my gp and optician since. It's only just clicked that it could be the coffee withdrawal. Does this sound feasible or is this an excessive amount and might be something else. Not sure if I'm seeing any benefit from not drinking coffee at the moment as the migraines are making me feel anxious.
New comment 3d ago
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Your symptoms are indicative of healing. Caffeine disrupts the hormones, masks the fatigue and pain, and how you feel now is your body adjusting back to no longer relying on coffee. It may take few days, or maybe weeks to be fully resolved but hang on to it. You will for sure feel much more alter and better overall soon.
1-10 of 28
Michal Truszkowski
82points to level up
Also known as pRAWimalMike. On Carnivore diet since May 2023. Why? Just to fully optimize my hormonal and metabolic health, and to put lots of muscle

Active 1d ago
Joined Mar 5, 2024
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