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70 contributions to The IRL Game 🌎
Who has a plan?
Who is planning out their week/weekend and who is winging it? We have a loaded weekend! We purchased a house on seller financing last Friday, aiming to have it renovated within 1 month. We've already made incredible progress! I think we can do it! I'll post pictures when it's done! What are you doing this week / weekend to achieve the life you want?
New comment 2h ago
0 likes • 22h
@Christopher Hope I second this motion
1 like • 16h
@Christopher Hope hahahahaha he’s a goofy dude for sure.
What is your ideal way of making money?
Over the years, my answer has changed quite a bit...I thought I was going to be a professional reseller for awhile. I had fun with that and made money but it's not my ideal way to sustain myself. I thought I was going to start an Amazon agency, helping people sell better on Amazon. I found out that isn't very fun and is just as much work as selling for yourself on Amazon... I started selling for myself on Amazon and I still do today, but I realized how much I hate running an e-commerce business.. Logistics, operations, manufacturing, marketing, etc. I thought all of these were going to be my ticket to riches! They certainly helped, but I learned what I don't want to do... I started doing real estate about 4 years ago and I found out that it's what I love the most. I love taking an ugly, beat-up property, and making it nice. There's something about taking something that was once neglected and giving it the attention and love it deserves. I discovered Pace Morby just a few months ago and what I've learned since then has blown my mind. The first 3.5 years I was moving at at turtle pace and for the past few months I've been moving exponentially faster. I can't wait for the future! I still have my full-time job helping brands sell on Amazon. That job sustains my family and other businesses, but real estate is the long-term plan... What about you? What is your ideal way of making money? Is it a job? A business? Are you still figuring it out?
New comment 2h ago
What is your ideal way of making money?
3 likes • 3d
@Jesus Aguirre not even on the level of DBZ mythos?
1 like • 22h
@Ajaj Ahmad @Chris Wilson this Skool is YouTube focused!! You may want to check it out
Your biggest obstacle to success right now? Understanding what's holding us back is the first step to overcoming it. What do you need to work on?
10 members have voted
New comment 22h ago
5 likes • 3d
Definitely motivation. I’m so tired 😪.
1 like • 22h
@Obioma Ihionu @Lyn Y dan go is a YouTuber I really like whose fitness and business journey in fitness is actually inspirational lol
Classroom 1: Emotional Intelligence
You're probably wondering what on earth this is... can you be Emotionally Smart? Emotional intelligence is less about academics and more about street smarts in the business world. It is split into 4 sections: - Self Awareness - Self Management - Social Awareness/ Empathy - Relationship Management/ Social Skills Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand your own emotions and understand the emotions of those around you. Self Awareness is simply being able to understand what emotions you are having right now, and whether you are leading with emotions or with reason. Sometimes in business, and with people, emotions can take over our actions and make things worse... checking yourself at the door means you can choose to handle things more effectively by removing the emotion in the situation and use this to solve a problem, diffuse tension or to look at issues objectively rather than taking it personally. As a Leader, Self Awareness is important because your emotional state can affect the team's emotions and reactions. If you walk in positive and purposeful, it is easy to raise the motivation within your team to get the work done with smiles and joy. If you let the blown tire on the way into work cloud your mind and you walk in angry, your team will not know about the blown tire etc and will be walking on egg shells the rest of the day. Left unchecked, your emotions could lead to snappy comments and you may say or do something that harms your relationship with your team. Self Management/ regulation is the ability to understand you are angry at the tire... but choosing to take an extra minute or 2 to compose yourself and choose to push on and have a good day despite the not-so-good start. It is the ability to receive bad news or top-down stress and choosing NOT to pass the stress on to the team, however, you choose to turn it into a constructive mission to things resolved. Social Skills (sounds like a simple one) - It is picking up on other people's emotions and choosing how to respond. Some people need a word of encouragement, others a space to vent and be heard...
New comment 11m ago
Classroom 1: Emotional Intelligence
3 likes • 22h
@Louise Aquino patience is the best trait to have. Not the kind where people abuse you and you say nothing but the kind that lets others be themselves completely. If you have that AND the head you have on your shoulders to pay attention as well, you’re literally everyone’s best friend. Again, this isn’t about letting others take advantage of you. If someone is rambling on and you need to dip, trying to find a polite way to dip isn’t evil lol.
I really want to be a part of a start-up and build something. I do not have the funds but I have the time and I want to learn while at it.
New comment 22h ago
3 likes • 2d
What is a start up all of us could do? My first answer isn’t one I like but it’s wholesaling houses. If we do research and get a toooon of contracts sold and split the profits as makes sense, like such and such person did research, this other person did the call and closed, each person gets a different cut? So doing tons of research could be super beneficial and so could closing if those are your strong suits.
0 likes • 22h
@Nonyelum Ezeani that’s half the battle of wholesaling. Now all you need is a cold caller who can close the deal given the research and you have a nice business right there. More like a warm or hot call actually. Are you in America? Not sure if this works in other nations. It’s in real estate law that a wholesaler doesn’t need a real estate license and can receive a cut for the work done as a wholesaler.
1-10 of 70
Michael Russo
1,428points to level up
Dreaming and scheming and coming up with plans, and they seem to work and I enjoy it so I’m going to keep going! I like helping people with this too!

Active 16h ago
Joined Aug 30, 2024
Dana point, california
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