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Freight Group

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65 contributions to Freight Group
Non- solicit, Non-compete
Will qualify our industry is one of the worst for loyalty to sales people. Have had 3 companies attempt to stop me from Earning a living. The sales people when joining a transportation company are treated like queens and kings. They drink the Kool-Aid and sign all docs requested. There is 2 sides to this debate. If you own the company invest in the people, software, customer outings, education (not debating not all do not provide education) you provided the ability for that person to build a book of business. They determine for what ever reason they want to leave, join a company with better Kool-Aid or start their own. They have read all the posts on being an agent versus W2. If you own the company, do you not believe you have the right to protect your business? This not just the 5-10 accounts of the rep leaving. They have had exposure potentially to all customer or other reps and agents accounts. Do we not think the company has rights? I am against Non-competes overall, have never ended up in court as I never went after customers. Have been respectful, did customers find me, YES they did. The young reps that leave who believe the grass is always greener end up disappointed when the new companies lawn after 60 days is not even trimmed let alone green. Interested to hear feedback, do you believe a company should not have any rights to protect accounts they paid to secure?
New comment May 22
2 likes • May 20
Completely goes against everything I believe in as a man and as a businessman. I hope they are gone forever. We had an awesome agent come in to talk to us a few months ago. He has a huge book but he is bound by one of the worst non comeptes/non solicits I have ever seen. I am not a lawyer but have read enough of these things to understand that if I hired him we would be suited as would he. We would have to eat all of his legal bills. It just was not worth hiring him. I was told it would cost $500,000 to defend him as I asked a specialized attorney I know. The worst part is he is not allowed to work at a warehouse, drive a forklift, nothing that has to do with him touching freight. Effing insanity. But he signed it.
Should the customer pay?
I'm just full of "case studies" this week! I had a partial from CA-IN leave last Fri & was supposed to deliver Monday . Everything was fine until late morning on Monday when the driver said the delivery appt for the other load on his truck was scheduled wrong so he'd be a day late. Is what it is & I rescheduled. Then Tuesday morning the driver advises that the load was sent to the wrong place & he had to take it to Memphis, Tn which was 450mi way & deliver it Tuesday afternoon. Of course at this point I start questioning it as who makes a 450mi & delivery in a different state mistake? The tracking went dead on Saturday after the PU of the second load as MP(macroporint) only lets you track one load at a time so I assume that load kicked us out of MP. The carrier willingly says you can call the other broker & gave us their info. Upon talking to the other broker he says the wrong product was loaded on the truck & the custy said it HAD TO GO TO MEMPHIS. The driver was given a blind BOL so the addy on there matched the one on his RC. The broker says he didn't know about the mix up but the custy blamed him anyway. The carrier is being paid but the broker now has to eat that added cost. Should the shipper pay for this mistake?
New comment May 20
2 likes • May 20
I had trouble following. Who made the address mistake? The broker or the shipper?
How to overcome your “I have no business” moment
Before Logistics I have had a lot of success in my prior sales experience and I have been working as a freight broker from past 5 months and I am not getting any new shippers and i just don't know how long should i do it or am i even a fit for the industry, just losing hopes and unable to cope up. PS : I am just 21
New comment May 21
5 likes • May 20
Oh man this is a hard one and a hard pill to swallow. I am sorry you are facing such challenges right now. I would love to offer you some advice but all I can say is I have been doing this for over 15 years and the pickings are the slimmest I have ever seen them. April was a terrible month for both of my companies. Just nothing moving. May has been much better and back to normal. But acquiring new customers in this market is finding needles in haystacks. Maybe harder. I have a marketing person and a social media person working full time hours for me right now. Over the course of 5 months we picked up two new clients and they are not large volume shippers. We have tried everything from warm email leads, friendly calls that are scheduled, I have gone out to every single customer in the Northeast we deal with and other customers just to drop things off. It will turn around but you need to get out there and do not cold call randomly. I am sorry this is bleak but it is true.
1 like • May 20
@Robert Petersen Probably 1000 no's before you get a yes in this market. I have a marketing girl as I mentioned on my other post working full time, using our crm with current clients, interacting, adding new potential clients, a whole funnel built and it is a lot of silence. No one even is answering. That tells me there are too many brokers and not enough shippers willing to listen to the good ones like us. Fortunately we have a very strong core of clients or else I would def be a little nervous. Starting from scratch is a scary proposition right now.
Shippers Not Knowing What They are Doing
We have a few clients in the energy sector. One in particular who is a massive repair shop, whom has taken over as our number one margin account this year. They are a great customer so I cannot complain too much. But, this is more of an informational post to all of you who probably struggle with the same thing. For years, we did not really need to work a lot on the weekends or at nights. This customer has changed that ballgame and has actually made us operate differently than we ever have. They run loads nearly 24/7. When a piece is done being repaired it basically has to go back out on a dedicated hot shot, box truck, sprinter, team drive step deck, you name it they need it done at that instant. The problem we are running into is that sometimes they order trucks from us BEFORE the repairs are done and the trucks end up sitting around in detention, laying over, or getting a TONU. This is inefficient for all of us. It is frankly a waste of time and money. I have sat down with their logistics manager and controller on a number of occasions and they dont seem willing to change this behavior. It has gotten to a point that now they complain if a truck shows up late to a delivery, which is in fact caused by them delaying the truck at the loading site. They will email me stating they never want to use that carrier again, meanwhile the carrier ran out of hours waiting to get loaded for 9 hours. It is a lose-lose but when a customer is your number one you just have to deal with it. Point of the post is that shippers sometimes have no idea what they are doing, they waste hundred of thousands of dollars, and no matter what you do, you have to say yes you are right Mr Customer...
New comment May 16
1 like • May 15
@Jeff Dickinson Yes some of them try to put stipulations on us that if the driver is late we are only paying "half of the load". Those are the ones I do not do business with. In the game 16 years too long at this point.
Reverse Detention
Thats a thing right? Asking for a friend...
New comment May 15
Reverse Detention
1 like • May 14
We tinkered with altering our carrier agreement that if they blow us off, drop off a load, load other people freight onto a dedicated load etc that there are penalties. We have had this happen a handful of times and try to enforce the clauses. Usually, if something really egregious happens we short pay the invoice and tell their factoring company what happened...There is a fight and a dispute and sometimes we win sometimes we dont.
1-10 of 65
Michael DeMarco
263points to level up
Domestic and International Shipping Expert Owner/President of Accurate Logistics GroupLLC Proud Husband and Father

Active 136d ago
Joined Feb 8, 2024
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