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Driven & Ambitious Creators

Public • 132 • $20/m

3 contributions to Driven & Ambitious Creators
Workshop done!
Hi, all! Getting into this habit of posting here. 😁 Sharing that I just finished a workshop today (this is the first time I held this workshop) and I'm glad to say that 5 out of 6 attended live! Also grateful that there was good engagement. Thank You, Lord! 😊
New comment Jan 17
0 likes • Jan 17
@Kassy Pajarillo Thank you! Yes, all paid. And yes to all that you said (sent the replay right after, connected on FB, requested feedback). And yes, was also thinking of sending out an email to my list to offer the replay until a certain date (didn't think of excluding the 6, so thanks for that tip!).
Ad copy 2nd draft
Hi everyone! Finished creating my ad copy along with the accompanying image, would appreciate feedback below: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ If you’ve been struggling to “be yourself” around other people this might be why: You filter what to say in your head before you say it, and when you come up with a reply you label as passable for you, the topic has already moved on and you’re left behind. Worse yet, you start criticizing yourself for your behavior, your posture, and your body language. Cue becoming even more self-conscious of being awkward, and you become quiet even more. It may be hard to believe, but there’s actually nothing wrong with you. Everything that goes through your head in that process is natural and serves a purpose. But! Other people don’t act the same way because they aren’t putting as much pressure on themselves to socialize, and so don’t end up going into the mental “feedback loop of hell” that you do. What would it look like if you allowed yourself to slow down, go easy on yourself, and allowed room to make mistakes? Imagine even as a social novice, you can tap into another part of yourself that gets to actually have FUN being with others without forcing yourself. How? I’m in the process of preparing an exclusive training for people who want to be more expressive relating to others, connect on a deeper level, and most of all, communicate in a way that is assertive, relatable, and engaging. If this is something that you’re looking for, sign up and join the upcoming training the link below! *insert link*
New comment Dec '23
Ad copy 2nd draft
1 like • Dec '23
@Royce Tee Just read through this thread now and wow! Ang galing ng copy! Congrats! 👏👏👏
Screen share of FB Ads
Hi, @Kassy Pajarillo. Here's the screen share of my FB ads. Couldn't do it on Loom because the updated version is no longer compatible with my laptop, so I did it on Zoom instead. Not sure if this is what I was supposed to show. 😁
New comment Dec '23
1 like • Dec '23
@Kassy Pajarillo Thanks for your response. Will get back to all these. 😁
1 like • Dec '23
@Kassy Pajarillo Yes, refining talaga...I have to check from those leads, who are actually signing into the opt-in, and am also checking their answers when they sign up. I started reaching out yesterday to a few whom I think might be the more ideal ones (since I haven't set up yet the automation for them to reach out to me via IG). And thanks in advance for the referral. :)
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Mich Nicolas
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Wife & Mom | Coach to driven, Catholic women who want to turn their life lessons & ministry experience into paid coaching programs

Active 4d ago
Joined Nov 7, 2023
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