The only thing I compete with is MYSELF 😈 Reminder to not compare…. I compete with myself. To get stronger and stronger everyday. To be the best version I can be for my kids and my family. I’m in a season to push myself. Everyone has different seasons and that’s okay! I’ve always been in a moving stage no matter what season I’m in. And that was my choice. I’ve been in the Unhealthy season : my fitness/wellness journey started when Liam was 16 months old. He’s 9 now. Pregnancy/postpartum I’ve been in the losing 40lbs to feeling amazing and realizing I’m never going back to that person. I made a promise to myself no matter what I would never be that person who was unhappy with herself because she didn’t take care of herself. I look now and think the amount of seasons I’ve been in I never stopped moving. Even with pregnancy. Because I’ll tell you one thing me being pregnant with Liam vs me being pregnant with any of my girls were soooo different. Working out is an outlet I found after becoming a mom and I can’t imagine myself not having that. But do not compare yourself to others. 💪