Have been working with a client over the last nine months or so. Farming tourist attraction owned by a wealthy couple and run as a separate concern from more established Mayfair based business in another sector. Lots of carpentry, generally I am asked a question, given a brief which generally consists of “we need to build X by such a date or meet a need of the developing business”. Seldom asked for quotes and they pay me when I ask for it. This week it has been -4deg C at 0700hrs and has not gone above zero during the day. 30+ picnic tables to pressure wash, dry, sand and coat with two coats of oil. All work outside on a windy hilltop. The work is non-technical and could be carried out by a labourer but they have asked a £40/hr carpenter/joiner to do it and it will take a hundred hours at least. Money good Terms good Client good Having work also good The work required is shit! When do you draw a line under right money, right people and only if you want to do it? Do I accept that I have been chosen for my expertise, and that this is the clients way of ensuring I do not drift away before this years big projects commence? This client is good for projects and their business is striking new ground and far reaches rapidly. They have not given me any examples of backing out of projects or questioning my invoices.