I'm back after two weeks in Germany. Came back two days ago and talked with my wife about how we raise our kids. (Minori 4y, Minato 1y) She takes my opinions (less screen time would be good, bringing our daughter to the nursery 5 times a week (not 3 or four times)) as criticism. She told me it's actually easier living without me because she doesn't has to argue with me and she doesn't get disappointed when I don't do certain housework, or I don't do housework in time (whenever that is). I normally do dishes, help with the kids, and so general cleanup in the rooms. We just had this exchange and I'm just pissed off. Today she didn't bring our daughter to the nursery and wanted me to come home earlier so she can go out alone with our daughter while our son is sleeping. I don't want that because I have to study, which is more difficult at home and we had this exchange (screenshots). Any advice?