let's get to the point. there's a lot of BS out there about building an audience. - some are editing to hack attention. - some are posting raw content. - some barely edit and still get views. nowadays, numbers means nothing. - people with 100 subs making $100K - people with 1M subs make barely $10k what's the catch then? look, write this down: - stop thinking about going viral on YT. - start thinking about getting in front of your ICP. - you don't need 1M random people to watch your content. - you just need 1000 people who are you ideal clients. you just need to go viral among your ideal clients aka get 1000-2000 views. advantage? - 10x less work since you are talking to one person (ICP) - No need to edit like mr breast or iman, just post what ICP watches - 100x less effort to generate ideas, solve their problems - make MOST money (that's the whole point right?) so what's the 20% TACTIC? here it is: - Define your ICP - Know them better than them - Make a list of their PAINS, Problems, Beliefs, Desires, Fears, and Doubts. - Make a list of the videos they watch daily and gather thumbnails in a doc - See a pattern of what is common among all the thumbnails and videos. - Ask WHY, WHY and WHY..... Do this ONCE will set you up for next 10-20 viral ideas and that's all you need to go viral among your people. This will REDUCE 80% heavy lifting and you will be able to product BEST content, HUGE Impact while making most amount of money. If having ANY doubt, just DM and Feel free to ask. Love to help. Mark