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Kingdom Culture Revolution

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4 contributions to Kingdom Culture Revolution
Are you ready for a year of Aligned Action & Abundant Blessings???
I have been following the Hebrew calendar for about 5 years now and am so incredibly blessed by what the Lord has shown me and how He's healed my heart in His perfect timing each month as I align my heart with His. In October 2022, I got intentional about planning for my 1:1 and group clients using the Hebrew calendar and I will never go back to planning without it!! There is something special about knowing that God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and that we can look at Scripture and see the Hebrew calendar themes in the stories preserved within those pages. We are currently in Elul, 5784 until October 2nd and then the year 5785 begins... numbers are very important in the Hebrew culture and language and 5784 has been a year of Open Doors. As we move from 5784 to 5785 we are walking through the Open Door into Aligned Action & Abundant Blessings! and I am SO Ready for this!!! What do we need to take Aligned Action? 1) Mindset Alignment: thoughts, feelings, actions all lined up with His Truth and excited to take the Action Steps He asks us to take. 2) Spiritual Alignment: empowered & equipped to live free from enemy attack and spiritual warfare. 3) Vision Alignment: passionately following Holy Spirit's lead as you trust His perfect timing. What the Lord has shown me as I've pondered all of this is that He is waiting to partner with us to create abundant Kingdom wealth through healthy relationships with Holy Spirit (who leads & guides us), Self (we need to believe that we are worthy of the blessings He has for us) & our Community (who are we called to bless as we have been blessed?) So Excited about what is coming!! What has the Lord been showing you lately?
New comment 7h ago
Are you ready for a year of Aligned Action & Abundant Blessings???
2 likes • 3d
Very interesting, Lisa! I’d love to learn more about that.
Pull back the velvet rope for our VIP’s
Please help me give a warm welcome to our new members: @Kristin Kurtz @Debbie Reed @Sarah Kuhlman @Sheena McKinney @Steve Wormer @John Murphy @Clint Riggin @Kevin Gebert @MelAnn Morales @Angela Welch @Vona Johnson @Maureen Riley @Andrea York @Kevin Gregg @Christine van Tonder @Ingrid Morgan @Monique Horb @Tammy Rice We’re so glad you’re here! If you haven’t already, tell us where you’re from, something about your family, and what you like to do for fun. Comment on at least two peoples responses by noting what you have in common and like 3 responses to get the connections flowing.
New comment 4h ago
Pull back the velvet rope for our VIP’s
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We had a wonderful time of fellowship today in our Meet & Greet!
We discussed so many meaningful topics: - The state of the church, - The call to be counter-cultural, - The strength that comes through authentic community, And most importantly, we shared our hearts and visions with one another. My favorite part was hearing the hearts of each individual for mankind. I truly sensed the Father’s heart being expressed through each voice… **Lisa**, who is passionate about awakening vision so people can operate at their highest potential... **Kristin**, who unlocks cages so women can soar... **Clint**, who is training men to thrive and lead the way God has created them to… Now, I’d love to hear from YOU! What are *you* passionate about? Share your heart with us below!
New comment 5d ago
We had a wonderful time of fellowship today in our Meet & Greet!
4 likes • 6d
So sorry I missed it as well. I had some prior commitments this morning. My passion is helping mommas come home to their families and having the freedoms of time, location and income. I was a latchkey kid and my hubby was not. What a huge difference in our upbringings. 😊
Pull back the velvet rope for our VIP’s!
Welcome to the Kingdom Culture Revolution family! @Krista Bugg @Brian Campbell @Lisa Vanderveen @Leteisha Tate @Maley Walsh @Neil Patin @Hendra van Niekerk @Havilah Vangroll @Sonia McLeod @Chelle Barnaby @Rebecca Flynn @Cassie Kitzmiller @Cassie Kitzmiller (not sure which one is working for you!) Say hi! Tell us one thing about: Your family Your occupation What you do for fun Who you want to meet Community happens when YOU make it happen, so connect with each other if you have things in common! I also promised to set up a meet & greet once we had 10 members so watch the calendar for that!
New comment 10d ago
Pull back the velvet rope for our VIP’s!
2 likes • 12d
@Krista Bugg oh boy, I think for us it's been change and adventure...we both like change and have bought and sold more houses than any normal couple ever would. We've moved across the country twice. My hubby always has some sort of project going on and that keeps him busy and happy. I go with the flow. 😉
2 likes • 10d
@Leteisha Tate Nice to meet you! I'm a mom of 3 young adult men as well. My hubby wanted to try for that girl, but I said "no way"...practically all boys in our families on both sides! LOL Looking forward to getting to know you!
1-4 of 4
Maley Walsh
40points to level up
- Married 30 years - Mom to 3 young men - “MaeMae” to an adorable grand baby - Out of corporate and into the “mompreneur” world for 17 yrs - FT RVer

Active 6h ago
Joined Sep 10, 2024
Phoenix, AZ
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