I'm struggling to make peace with my messy apartment. I can feel the desire of enjoying a spacious, well-decorated, clutterless apartment. But also I felt the guilt and shame of not doing the work to clean the apartment. I am not interested in coercing myself to clean the apartment, and yet I found the desire I currently feel is not enough to make the change I want. In an ideal world, if my work is stressful and I don't have the capacity to attend to the physical environment, I can make peace with that without beating myself up; and once I have time, I can go and clean without much inner struggle.
@Trinley Goldenberg Thanks Trinley. I love reading your tweets on non-coercion. I've been exploring different methods to motivate myself that don't rely on my inner dictator. One thing I'm procrastinating on right now is organizing and decluttering my apartment. Regarding house chores, I felt a lot of inner conflicts that led me to an impasse. I'm joining this community to see if I can apply some methods in this sticky area of my life.