We're in a bear market. Time to charge up. Time to turn inwards. Time to find the kingdom of God within you. It's not the time to be out there yet. It's not the time to bring knowledge to the world yet. It's time to acquire more wisdom. Download more wisdom. Experience more things. Consume the right things. Charge yourself like a battery. Take a powerbank with you. It's going to be a long trip. It's going to be a tough battle. I believe we are heading into the end of times. I believe the chosen ones need to take time now. I believe your Spirit knows that you're born for this time ahead. Work through traumas. Find God, because without his presence, the battle will be too hard. So I decided to float. Book a cabin in the woods and be silent. Going more inwards. Spend more time with yourself. Don't escape. Don't build new routines or try to make more money. STILLNESS.