Statement and a question for you...
So many people spend a lot of their time running a business looking for the latest opportunity. You know that one thing that's going to make a big difference to their business. However, the truth is what we should be looking at. What are the big mistakes that will make right now, but if we didn't could create significant growth in our business. For example, if you're not following up on Leads, then you're making one of those big mistakes. A good example of this would be that you send out an email to 5000 people and 496 of them open the email up. Of those 1,490 people 152 of them click through on a link to find out more on your website. These people are interested enough to read your email and not only that but they're interested enough to want to find out more about your product or service to do so they've gone to your website and really need following up. What are the big mistakes that you're making in your business right now?