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Private Real Estate Lending

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6 contributions to Private Real Estate Lending
The bloodline of any business is LEADS!📈 In the classroom tab, there is a short video on how to find leads for your PML Business! Remember, this community exists to help you get your first PML Deal. In order to do so you need leads coming in, that is the FIRST STEP! Comment on this post, "NEED" or "HAVE" if you need leads still or have leads that need funding! If you HAVE, put what kind of deals you specialize in? (Market, Position, Average Amount, ETC) Housekeeping Items - New Tabs on the Community Tab! 😆 "Available Deals" and "Beginner Questions" exists here in school. What are you main questions about PML? If you have available deals that need funding right now there's a tab for you! 💰 (Check out this tab as I currently have deals available!) - LEADERBOARD!🥇 On Sept 25th I will choose whoever is #1 on the leaderboard and give them a FREE virtual ticket to my upcoming PML Mastermind where decades of lending knowledge will be shared! You get points by engaging in the community, posting, comenting and watchign the classes! Extra leaderboard points if you share the community with a friend!❤️‍🔥 This is your opportunity to get a FREE ticket to this can't miss event! Homework: - Introduce yourself if you haven't already! - Watch the Finding Borrowers Video and Post 3 TAKEAWAYS - Take ONE Action Step Toward Finding Your Own Borrowers for PML Deals & Post What Action You Are Taking
New comment 2d ago
2 likes • 11d
@Amy Van Slambrook great - i will reach out to you to set up some time to connect.
0 likes • 2d
@Amy Van Slambrook hey Amy -- you can reach me via email or 972.345.0934
Welcome to the Mindset Channel!
Happy Wednesday Everyone. This morning I’m reading Buy Back Your Time by Dan Miller. Reading and listening to mentors accounts for a lot of my success thus far! In the beginning it was watching YouTube videos, then I went to weekend events, then I started paying to join communities, and finally today I mentor others and own businesses with the people I look up to. I still read about 10-20 books a year depending how busy I am. Now I listen to a lot of podcasts as well. Make a post in this discussion group “Mindset” on what has impacted your journey the most so far? Was it a mentor or coach that believed in you? Maybe it was a hardship you had to over come? Or even a decision that you wanted more out of life. I can’t wait to read all of your stories. Sharing is caring. In this channel I will share some of the things that have a huge impact on me and the way I see the world.
New comment 5d ago
2 likes • 11d
@Stacy Carpenter Love Jamie and have that book as well sitting on my desk.
2 likes • 11d
@Stacy Carpenter happy to share --- literally cut myself loose 30 days ago - quite liberating! It was a little earlier than i had planned but just became a place i didnt want to be and surely didnt want to be in any room with the new executives. So was an easy decision. reach out any time
Exciting Announcements! 😆
I just finished a call with community admin @Stacy Carpenter We have so many incredible ideas for this community! If you take a look at the calendar NOW there is Community Q&A every Tuesday at 5pm EST. We also are going to have HW here every single week. 🔁 Don't forget the #1 Person on the Leaderboard gets a FREE Virtual Ticket to the Upcoming PML Mastermind. What are you guys currently struggling with? We are coming up with some main topics to cover for this community! Comment below ❤️‍🔥 Do you guys want to know what is coming up? Make sure you attend the first Community Q&A where I will announce the structure of daily activities you can get involved in!
New comment 6d ago
3 likes • 12d
Great - looking forward to it!
Welcome to the Community! I'm your host, Alexis Morgan! For some context, I currently run a Private Money Lending Real Estate business out of Atlanta GA. My business generates seven figures of revenue every year and six figures each month. In June, I spent the whole month in a tiny European country working 2 hours each week and still made $30k that month after splitting profits with my business partners. This was the life I always dreamed of and I was able to go from nothing to the business I have now in less than 2 years. I want to show you how you can do the same. Weather you have some cash from a savings account, IRA, or line of credit OR you want to build a business, I'm here to help you get your FIRST private money lending deal. This community will kickoff over the next few weeks. In the meantime, create a new post and introduce yourself and share a picture - Where are you from? - What do you want to get out of the group? - What is your passive income goal? ($/mo) - WHY do you want to start lending? - Respond to another community member. I can't wait to meet and connect with you all. Be sure to connect with me on LinkedIn, Facebook, and more!
New comment 4d ago
2 likes • 12d
- Where are you from? Texas - What do you want to get out of the group? networking with others while continuing to learn best practices for lending, learning how to grow lending into a business - What is your passive income goal? $30k/month minimum - WHY do you want to start lending? I have been lending (PML/PMP) but want to incorporate more due diligence practices to protect my capital, while providing a consistent income stream that works for me so I can enjoy time (recently left W2) and have financial freedom to live the life I want while building my RE portfolio long term for my kids.
What is underwriting? The most important thing for a lender is to make sure they get all their money back. The second most important thing is to make the best return on their money. It is crucial to figure out what the property you are lending on is worth as-is in order to know the most you can lend on it and be safe. Comment here how comfortable you feel right now 1-10 on your underwriting skills. 1 being brand newbie and 10 being GENIUS level. 🚩DO NOT START LENDING UNLESS YOU FIRST UNDERSTAND HOW TO UNDERWRITE! 🚩
New comment 4d ago
5 likes • 15d
this is definitely my biggest roadblock at the moment that I am working on
1-6 of 6
Leeanna Demers
43points to level up
SubTo/Gator, LTR, STR, Padsplit, CoLiving, Buy/Hold, EMD and Transactional Lending

Active 17h ago
Joined Sep 5, 2024
dallas tx
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