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Welcome to the Mindset Channel!
Happy Wednesday Everyone. This morning I’m reading Buy Back Your Time by Dan Miller. Reading and listening to mentors accounts for a lot of my success thus far! In the beginning it was watching YouTube videos, then I went to weekend events, then I started paying to join communities, and finally today I mentor others and own businesses with the people I look up to. I still read about 10-20 books a year depending how busy I am. Now I listen to a lot of podcasts as well. Make a post in this discussion group “Mindset” on what has impacted your journey the most so far? Was it a mentor or coach that believed in you? Maybe it was a hardship you had to over come? Or even a decision that you wanted more out of life. I can’t wait to read all of your stories. Sharing is caring. In this channel I will share some of the things that have a huge impact on me and the way I see the world.
New comment 5d ago
Know Thyself: What is your Lending Personality?
These lending personalities are based on your goals, risk tolerance, level of involvement, time commitment, loan duration, and desired returns. Knowing your lending personality will help you determine your niche, where you are now, and where you want to go. Are you a Whale, Dolphin, Swimmer, Shark, Gator, or Camel?
Know Thyself: What is your Lending Personality?
I think one of the most influential things that help shift my mindset was reading the 4-Hour Work Week. Thereafter I was measuring everything I did and how much time I spent doing it against my available internal resources. Somehow I always came up lacking. Now I am focused on creating a life for me that is centered around balance and me being in control of my time.
New comment 9d ago
What kind of investor are you?
To be a successful real estate investor / lender you need to understand what kind of investor you are, your risk tolerance, your personality type, and your strengths and weakness. In this community we will explore characteristics that will increase awareness of who you are to help you determine where you want to go in your lending journey. Which of these investor types do you resonate with?
New comment 11d ago
What kind of investor are you?
Mindset journey so far....
Two major things that have evolved my mindset recently: 1) Having a battle buddy/business partner/best friend relationship that helps me stay mentally young and hungry. Every challenge that comes up solidifies our bond and partnership and I am grateful and fortunate. This relationship continuously improves my mindset and is a life-changer for me. 2) Latest read is Last Lecture by Randy Pausch. A story that helps focus my energy on what truly matters in this life - the ones you love and love you back. A powerful book about legacy and never giving up.
New comment 11d ago
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