Sorry I’ve been quiet, I’ve been really busy the past week or so and I see so many new members and loving all your stories. It was my birthday yesterday, I was good all day, ate bacon and eggs and for dinner a heap of prawns/shrimp with only salt. My family had bought mini muffins and ice cream, I had 2 mini muffins and ice cream. I stopped halfway through because I just wasn’t enjoying it at all, it was disgustingly sweet and today I’ve woken up with a red and itchy face and I feel terrible, almost like a hangover. It’s just not worth it to me anymore to eat anything other than carnivore. I have included cooked onion in a dish twice last week as I wanted to see if my body cook handle it and I was fine. I don’t want to make a habit of using onions but just needed a different flavour with my broth and steak.