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11 contributions to The Digital Builders
**Monday Check-In Setting Goals and Getting Started**
Hey everyone! Welcome to another week! 🌟 As we kick off this Monday, I want to talk about the importance of setting goals. Mondays are the perfect time to set clear, actionable goals for the week. Having a target in mind can help you stay focused, motivated, and productive. This week, my goal is to launch our **JavaScript Superstars** course. This course is designed to take you from knowing nothing about JavaScript to becoming proficient. It's perfect for our new members who are just starting their coding journey, but even seasoned pros might find some valuable insights. I'm also excited to announce the release of my **Ebook: From Truck Driver to Full Stack Developer**. In this 35-page Ebook, I share my journey from driving trucks to becoming a full-stack software developer working at a startup. It's filled with practical advice, tips, and my personal experiences to help you on your own path to success. Both the JavaScript course and the Ebook will be available this week, and I can't wait for you all to dive in! So, what are you guys up to this week? What goals are you setting for yourselves? Let's share our plans and support each other in achieving them! Happy Monday and let's make this week awesome!
New comment 7d ago
2 likes • 8d
Making big moves lately bro 🙏
Monday Check in!
Happy Monday everyone! This week things have been a bit quiet around here due to my racing towards deadlines as our start-up is set to launch at the end of the month! Good news is we are right on track, I've also been cooking up a event locally in the Hampton Roads area for the Digital Builders our first in person event of the year! That being said lets set our Monday goals for the week and shoot for the stars! 1. Work with the pomodoro technique 25/5 this week everyday to stay focused and productive! 2. Shoot 2 videos this week! 3. Progress towards the hackathon we are organizing!
New comment May 17
2 likes • May 13
@Clément Touzet I agree every 25 minutes just interrupts my flow.
Tuesday Check in!
Little late on this weeks goals but if we don't set where we are headed we'll have a tougher time getting there! This week my plan is to, 1. Leetcode at least once a day! 2. Sleep at least 8 hrs a day and at a decent time 3. Make massive progress with the startup I'm working for
New comment Apr 28
1 like • Apr 23
Goal setting is really important, that way you can visualize where you want to be in the future. How can you get to a destination if your mind doesn't know it exist? 😎💪
Monday Check in!
What's up Builders I hope everyone is off to a great start of the week. I've got good news to announce but this comes along with me being a bit overwhelmed at the moment and my goal is to give myself the time to settle the dust a bit. As I onboard a new client and prepare to work in this office downtown in the middle of my city as I've been accepted as a changemaker in residency. I'll post more info on that soon! Share your top 3 goals this week, mine are! - Finish DB757 website - Catch up with all tasks at the start up - Finish 11FYEFlavors site redesign
New comment Apr 16
2 likes • Apr 15
Awesome bro, keep that momentum going 😎💪
Finally made it past this
Hey guys, I made a quick video about solving an embarrassing issue that held me stuck for days. I figured I'd turn it into a quick video in case this can help someone else as well.
New comment Apr 1
Finally made it past this
1 like • Mar 31
I've been there before, many times actually 🙃
1-10 of 11
Kenneth Quiggins
37points to level up
Full-Time Information Technology student. My focus is Software Development and have Full-Stack experience with React, Django & Vue

Active 1h ago
Joined Feb 26, 2024
Louisville, Ky
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