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Portfolio Reviews
I've been getting a lot of portfolio review requests so I figured, why not Pin a thread here in our group? Drop your portfolio link, and I'll make a video reviewing them. Anyone who wants to join in on the review is more than welcome, this can be a new video series we do helping each other improve our designs and the impression we leave on our viewers.
New comment Mar 24
The Architect & The Builder Ep. 1 Momentum!
Our first podcast! Enjoy, we have much more coming soon!
New comment Feb 12
The Architect & The Builder Ep. 1 Momentum!
Intro To Computer Systems
Often times self-taught developers learn to code then hop straight into building sites without zooming in on the foundations of computer systems design. Let's go over a brief overview of the types of topics we should zoom in on when we find ourselves with free time. Understanding the Fundamentals What Are Computer Systems? At their core, computer systems are made up of hardware and software. The hardware includes physical components like the CPU, memory, and storage, while the software comprises the programs and operating systems that run on the hardware. Learn about concepts such as input and output devices, data storage, and processing. These foundational ideas will help you grasp how systems interact and work together. Role of Operating Systems Operating systems (OS) like Windows and macOS act as an intermediary between the user and the hardware, ensuring everything runs smoothly. Understanding Networks Computer systems often connect to networks to share resources. Learn the basics of networking, including how data is transmitted and the role of IP addresses and protocols like TCP/IP. Importance of Security As you learn about networks, also consider the importance of cybersecurity. Understanding how to secure a network is crucial in today’s tech landscape. Getting Hands-On with Programming Start with Python Python is an excellent first language due to its readability and broad application. It’s used in web development, data analysis, and more, making it a versatile choice. Build Simple Programs Start with small projects that reinforce your understanding of how computer systems process instructions. This practical experience is invaluable. System Design Principles Zoom into the principles of system design, focusing on scalability, reliability, and efficiency. Understanding these concepts helps you design robust systems that can handle increased loads. Case Studies Study real-world examples of system architectures. Learning from established systems provides insights into best practices and potential pitfalls.
Intro To Computer Systems
How Computer Systems Work
let's do a quick overview of the basics of computer systems. 1. Understanding the Fundamentals - What Are Computer Systems? At their core, computer systems are made up of hardware and software. The hardware includes physical components like the CPU, memory, and storage, while the software comprises the programs and operating systems that run on the hardware. - Key Concepts Learn about concepts such as input and output devices, data storage, and processing. These foundational ideas will help you grasp how systems interact and work together. 2. Delving into Operating Systems - Role of Operating Systems Operating systems (OS) like Windows, macOS, or Linux manage the computer’s resources. They act as an intermediary between the user and the hardware, ensuring everything runs smoothly. - Explore Basic Commands Familiarize yourself with basic command-line commands. This knowledge will give you more control over the system and improve your problem-solving skills. 3. Networking Basics - Understanding Networks Computer systems often connect to networks to share resources. Learn the basics of networking, including how data is transmitted and the role of IP addresses and protocols like TCP/IP. - Importance of Security As you learn about networks, also consider the importance of cybersecurity. Understanding how to secure a network is crucial in today’s tech landscape. 4. Getting Hands-On with Programming - Start with Python Python is an excellent first language due to its readability and broad application. It’s used in web development, data analysis, and more, making it a versatile choice. - Build Simple Programs Start with small projects that reinforce your understanding of how computer systems process instructions. This practical experience is invaluable. 5. Exploring System Design - System Design Principles Zoom into the principles of system design, focusing on scalability, reliability, and efficiency. Understanding these concepts helps you design robust systems that can handle increased loads.
How Computer Systems Work
How to learn to code | Break into tech
Have been asked to make a beginner friendly video on what to do to get the ball rolling in terms of breaking into tech how to at least get started.
How to learn to code | Break into tech
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