If you're de-energised and in a rut, read this:
What's up, my people? Long time no talk. For the past few days, I was in a rut. I wanted to share what helped me get out, in case it resonates with and provides value to even one person reading this. I went from being super productive, confidently sweeping through my habit tracker, to laying in bed all day, scrolling mindlessly on YouTube. I went from being motivated and driven towards improving myself to (might be TMI but just want to be transparent) not even wanting to change out of my clothes after a long day of wallowing in my own self-loathing. I was in a full-on rut; this is how I got out: 1. Changed my environment. By cleaning up my desk, etc. I could dissociate myself from the environment that created the rut in the first place (a chance to refresh). 2. Journalling. I did a 5-step written journalling exercise; I forgave myself for not being productive, I wrote down everything that had been stressing me out, I reflected on why I had been stressing about those things, I created an actionable list of things to do to get out of my rut, and finally I reminded myself why it is that I wanted to get out of my rut in the first place (contentment, etc.) Final thoughts - If you're in a rut, don't worry my friend. Take a step back, and forgive yourself by thinking about how far you have come from when you first started. And you'll be great. I believe in you!