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After a few days of scrolling on here I think I’m figuring out this app. I’m Paul, I have one daughter 7 years old and we live in Fort Worth Tx. I’ve been involved with a few different industries. Currently I’m figuring out real estate and the direction I want to go with that. A few years ago I got involved with recycling wind turbine blades. Now I own a company providing nationwide service for turbine blade recycling. About 4 years ago I got involved with a faith based non profit NewDay Services. This organization provides resources to parents going through family court and CPS. It’s a very rewarding and challenging experience.
New comment Dec '23
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I truly appreciate you sharing your interest and valuable business insights, Paul. I'm eager to learn more from you in the future.
Getting what we want from God
I’ve been doing a lot of meditation on this topic as I’m creating a company to help people get their desires from God. Here’s a revelation I’ve gotten from Him. Are you truly willing to surrender your sins in order to live out your righteous desires given to you by God? Psalms 37:4-5 says He will give you your desires when we delight in Him. Delighting in Him will cause you to hate your sin. You don’t have to be perfect for God to make your desires a reality, but when you truly delight, commit, and trust him you should expect to want to leave your sins behind. Any thoughts on this topic?
New comment Dec '23
3 likes • Dec '23
@Rusty Roberts The profound impact of repentance and surrender has transformed my life. I've turned away from my sinful ways and embraced God's unwavering love, surrendering every aspect of my being to His divine guidance. This unwavering trust has liberated me from the shackles of worry and anxiety, as I've wholeheartedly entrusted my life to His miraculous plan. His presence radiates peace and joy within me, even amidst life's storms. I am eternally grateful for His comforting embrace and unwavering love. Glory be to God for His transformative power in my life. Thank you for this topic.
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Welcome to Free Life Foundation, a place where 'Your Business is Your Ministry.' Our mission together is simple: Empowering entrepreneurs to prosper in alignment with God, because we believe in the extraordinary power of Godly entrepreneurs to make lasting impact in this world. Please Watch This Brief Welcome Video!! To kick things off: 1. COMMENT BELOW: Introduce Yourself & Your Business in the Comments Below 2. JOIN LIVE: Add the next live community call to your personal calendar: 3. LOOK AROUND: Check out the Classroom, Calendar, and other tabs where you'll find future Biblical Business Wisdom newsletters, high-level courses, daily live prayer, and more. Come back here to the Community tab to engage, share, ask questions, network, and tap into the wellspring anytime. Ps - One group rule: 👑 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐞𝐭 — are you aligning with God in what you’re sharing, posting, commenting? If it’s out of integrity, spammy, just self-promotion or posting without consideration to others, it will be deleted. We’re committed to this being the highest-value God-centered business community you know! We have value-add ways for you to share your business, like this intro post, new member meetups, daily live calls, and by-application Faithful Entrepreneur Business Directory. We’re always looking for ways to support your business, and cold-DMing or Posting without context or any other participation in this group is not the way. Tag us in your intro post if you’d like to apply to be in our community Business Directory so other members can see your business & offerings!
New comment 3d ago
🎉START HERE 🎉 Introduce Yourself & Business In Comments👇🏽
2 likes • Dec '23
@Agustin Tapia Welcome to the community! Im so excited to know more about your life in Christ, Please Join us for Daily Bread, a 30-minute daily gathering to connect, encourage, and empower one another in our shared faith. Make it a daily habit to connect with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Together, let's grow in our faith and find strength in our community. Daily Prayer 9:30am Eastern Time - Free for all members to join! Come fill your cup up and fortify for the day ahead.
2 likes • Dec '23
@Rusty Roberts Indeed, God has a unique plan for each of our lives, and it's through surrendering to His will that we experience the extraordinary. When we open our hearts to His guidance, He orchestrates events that align with His purpose, leading us down paths we never could have imagined. Your unwavering faith and dedication to God's work are truly inspiring. Through your medical ministry, you exemplify the love of Christ, bringing healing and hope to those in need. God has chosen you as a vessel to manifest His miracles, and through these acts of divine intervention, you touch hearts and bring souls back to Him. May God continue to bless you and your family abundantly as you continue to spread His love and healing touch. May you win countless souls through the power of the Holy Spirit working within you. Glory be to God for your unwavering commitment to His service.
Why do Bad things happened to Good people?
I ask God to gave me strength and God gave me difficulties to make me strong. I ask for wisdom and God gave me problem to solve. I ask for courage and God gave me dangers to overcome. I ask for Love and God Gave me troubled people to help. I highlights the paradoxical nature of life and the ways in which challenges can be catalysts for growth and strength. It suggests that God, in His divine wisdom, presents us with difficulties, problems, dangers, and troubled people not to punish us but to provide opportunities for us to develop our resilience, wisdom, courage, and love. Just as a blacksmith strengthens a piece of iron by repeatedly striking it with a hammer, God tests us through life's trials and tribulations to refine our character and make us stronger. When we face difficulties, we have the choice to either succumb to despair or rise to the occasion and overcome the obstacles in our path. By choosing to persevere, we develop resilience and inner strength. Similarly, when we seek wisdom, God presents us with problems to solve, forcing us to think critically, analyze situations, and find creative solutions. Through this process, we gain valuable knowledge and experience, enhancing our ability to navigate the complexities of life. Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the willingness to act despite fear. When we ask for courage, God may place us in situations that test our bravery, pushing us beyond our comfort zones and forcing us to confront our fears. By facing these challenges head-on, we develop the courage to overcome obstacles and pursue our dreams. Love is not just a feeling; it is an action. When we ask for love, God may bring us troubled people to help, providing us with opportunities to extend compassion, empathy, and kindness. By serving others, we not only help them but also cultivate our own capacity for love. In essence, the challenges we face in life are not meant to break us but to mold us into stronger, wiser, and more compassionate individuals. By embracing these challenges with faith and perseverance, we can transform them into opportunities for growth and transformation.
New comment Dec '23
1 like • Dec '23
@Rusty Roberts While God alone embodies perfect goodness in all aspects of being, the actions of those who choose to live righteously and follow Jesus exemplify His goodness in this world. The word 'good people' in the context above refers to people who have good behavior in Christ, those who choose to live righteously and do good. We found the enlightenment on 1 Peter 3:8-22.
0 likes • Dec '23
@Rusty Roberts Amen 🙏😇
Finding joy in the Lord will unlock the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4
Dearest Heavenly Father, I kneel before you with a heart overflowing with gratitude for the blessings you have showered upon me. Thank you for the hardships that have shaped my character and strengthened my faith. Thank you for your unwavering grace that lifts me up when I stumble and guides me through life's trials. Thank you for the gift of life, the precious moments of joy, and the opportunity to experience the beauty of this world. Thank you for the air that I breathe, the sunshine that warms my soul, and the water that sustains my existence. Thank you for the shelter that protects me from harm and the wisdom that guides my path. Thank you for the countless opportunities that have crossed my path, for the new people I have met, and for the connections that enrich my life. Thank you for my loving family, the pillars of strength and support in my life. Thank you for the health that allows me to pursue my passions and the mercy that reminds me of your boundless compassion. Thank you for saving me from danger, for enlightening my mind, and for granting me the courage to face my fears. Thank you for the trials that have tested my resilience and the opportunities that have allowed me to grow spiritually. Thank you for using me as a vessel for your love and kindness. Thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit, the divine presence that guides me and fills my heart with peace. Thank you for choosing me to be your child and for showering me with your blessings. Thank you for your unwavering love that transcends all boundaries and for your protective guidance that shields me from harm. Thank you for the tapestry of experiences that has woven my life into a beautiful journey. Thank you for Lord Jesus Christ, the embodiment of your love, and for the Holy Spirit, the source of your wisdom and guidance. Thank you, Father God, for your presence in every aspect of my life. As I close this prayer, I stand in awe of your magnificence, your grace, and your unwavering love. Glory be to God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen
New comment Dec '23
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Kate Bartolo
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A lightworker

Active 158d ago
Joined Nov 7, 2023
Bangkok Thailand
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