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Owned by Karsten

Admissions Accelerator

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Helping US high school students earn admission into their top choice universities.

Admissions Navigator

Private • 6 • $97/m

Guiding second-gen immigrant students to their dream US universities.


18 contributions to High-Ticket Synthesizer Skool
How I get so much group engagement it's annoying
Today one of my Skool students passed me on the leaderboard. I'm really trying to keep up, I promise, but I have multiple members posting 6-10 high quality pieces of anecdotal content, engagement posts, resources, etc. PER DAY. Referring 5 friends. Telling people in OTHER Skools and groups to come to mine. Without me asking them to. I think the first key here is goodwill. When my members realize how much free time and and value I'm giving away, they naturally decide to contribute and engage to give back. Many of my members are offering to work for free, repurpose content, host hangouts, etc. for example. So if something similar isn't happening for your group, maybe good your group actually is. Not just the Classroom posts (I only posted into the Classroom starting last week) but the main posts. It's not just about slapping a "valued at" number on it. Speaking of main posts, key number 2: Every time I invite someone to the group, I encourage them to make a post if they have any questions. I mostly do this because I get tired of handling all the DMs. But... the massive engagement boost is a nice bonus. - They engage and commit more to the group - I get an opportunity to like their post, causing them to level up. Somewhere Alex Hormozi once said that Level 3 members basically don't churn? Or something like that. So by having them make a post and an introduction comment, which I will leave a like on, I can force them (statistically) to never leave. - Mwahahaha. - Other people see their engagement and the perceived value of the group goes up - Other people see their engagement and...engage with it. Engagement squared. I think the third thing for me was incentives. I offered a free seat in my flagship program to whoever was at the top of the leaderboard at the end of the month. This offers a nice consolation prize I can mention to prospects in sales calls if they can't afford high-ticket services. It also drives a huge rush and competition to getting to the top of the leaderboard in my group.
New comment Jul 25
How I get so much group engagement it's annoying
1 like • Jul 23
@Lauren Messina Yes, I have unlockable courses at Level 3!
0 likes • Jul 25
@Daniel Tejada have you seen my other post about 100k impressions?
Synthesizer Games (SUBMIT RESULTS HERE)
What is the Synthesizer Games: - A competition to see who can grow their Skool group the most in 30 days What are the prizes: 1. The prize for the winner is to spend 1-day with me in person, to create a full personalized monetization roadmap for your business (worth $50,000) 2. Everyone who gets 20 members gets free tickets to a virtual workshop where we'll go deep on group monetization. This will cover everything needed to make a full-time living online (worth $5,000). Closing Ceremony Starts: - 11am PT (click to add to calendar) - We'll announce the winner, figure out how they won, and hang out How to submit your results: 1. Go to your group 2. Click settings 3. Click metrics 4. Take a full-page screenshot (on Mac it's CMD + Shift + 3) 5. Upload the screenshot as a comment to this post 6. Add the first line of the text e.g. "In the past 30 days, your group grew to 11,586 members (+511)" (There will be a sample submission in the first comment) Deadline: - 12pm PT May the final hours of the games commence!
New comment Aug 1
Synthesizer Games (SUBMIT RESULTS HERE)
4 likes • Jul 24
In the past 30 days, your group grew to 357 members (+317)and 310 members (87%) were active.
Help each other out in the comment section
Goal = 500 comments on this post from you helping each other. Give, and you shall receive. Help, and get helped. I will not reply once to this post. Go. ↓
New comment 12d ago
2 likes • Jul 24
Hey, how do the hell do taxes work for entrepreneurs?
Just got my first paying client! ($200)
This is is the craziest feeling. I've been in touch with this lead of mine for so long. I even said I'll coach him for free for the testimonial. But things did not align and we could never really text or meet online. I was already coaching people for free and building up testimonials, so I didn't really need his testimonial anymore. But over the past 2 weeks, the lead kept trying to book a call with me and today we just ended up facetiming. I told him if we want to make this work, I want you to pay money so you pay attention. I told him you can give me like $5 or $10 for the act of committing, and he goes like "nah I'll give you $200." In my head I was like "no way." I wanted him to pay through skool, so I setup the one-time payment feature up for my coaching and sent him the link to pay. AND BOOM! I'm officially an entrepreneur! Thank you Andrew Kirby for your guidance! To everyone else, keep going and actually believe that you can make it happen no matter what!
New comment Jul 28
Just got my first paying client! ($200)
1 like • Jul 23
To anyone at $0 - This is how I made $999 earlier today
Join GROUPS with your target market. Leave loom videos (they stand out) Answer questions and give away what you want people to pay you for. Give so much value that you literally throw up. It may give you nightmares. That means you’re doing it right. I had one last night. But I made $999 in 1 hour at 11am today. Start conversations in groups and GET PEOPLE ON CALLS. This is the fastest way to make your first $1,000 in my experience.
New comment Aug 6
3 likes • Jul 23
1 like • Jul 23
1-10 of 18
Karsten Assoua
265points to level up
I help first-gen and second-gen students get into elite US universities without anxiety and confusion.

Active 3d ago
Joined Jun 26, 2024
Virginia, USA
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