Admissions Navigator
Private group
6 members
$97 /month
Join now as a founding member - lock in the $97/mo price forever.
Afterwards we will be increasing the price to $147/mo.
Once that price point is gone, it's gone.
We're still building out everything now, but as my gift to you as a founding member, I will personally work with you, one-on-one, every day, until your college applications are submitted.
A private network of college admissions mentors from global elite universities like Harvard and Stanford.
For motivated U.S. high school students serious about earning admission into their dream colleges.
  • Match with a mentor just like you at YOUR dream school
  • Stay on track every week with our VIP Accountability Concierges
  • Exclusive access to opportunities at and nearby your top choice schools
  • 1-1 coaching calls every day to help you create an impact in your community
This will be the best decision you have made in the last four years.
And if you don't get into one of your top three colleges, *we will give you all of your money back*.
Join now.
Admissions Navigator
Guiding second-gen immigrant students to their dream US universities.
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