Coming: The November Substack Challenge
For November's challenge, everyone who wants to participate must set up a Substack. It doesn't have to be fancy, but you need one. 👉🏼The challenge will last throughout November with a minimum commitment of *one weekly post and three notes.* Setting one up takes about 10 minutes, so if you don't have one yet, get busy. If you can't think of anything more creative, title it "[your name's] Substack." You can change it later. Even if your Substack is stale or abandoned, that's fine. You'll be reviving it in this challenge. Remember, everything you do along the journey is fodder for writing about. No one said getting to 5-Figures was easy, but these are the steps to start taking. 👉🏼Are you in? Give me a thumbs up 👍🏼 or a high-ten 🙌🏼 if you're on board! P.S. Go BOLD or go home!