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The One Minute HR

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What HR Can Learn from Wild Geese
Nature remains a source of inspiration in various spheres of life, and human resources are no exception. Simon Crawford Welch, Leadership & Executive Development Coach, highlights intriguing behaviors in wild geese that can be applied to team dynamics. For example, geese achieve more together than apart. By flying in a V formation, each bird's wing flapping creates lift for those behind, resulting in a 72% greater flying range for the flock compared to flying solo. This demonstrates that when we share a common direction and sense of community, we can reach our goals more efficiently by working together and supporting each other. Here are a few more interesting facts from nature: Collective Responsibility. "Geese understand that they all have a responsibility to take their turn to lead the formation. When the lead goose tires, it moves back into formation and another goose flies to the front to take its place. Like geese, we depend on each other’s skills, capabilities, gifts, talents and resources and this shows us that when everyone plays their part and shares the challenges of leadership and work, it is to the benefit of every individual." The Power of Positivity. "When in flight, the team of goose honk to encourage those at the front to keep up their speed. This positive reinforcement is a reminder to us all of the importance of giving praise and showing kindness to one another, particularly when things become difficult or the pressure is on". Have you observed any animal behaviors that could be applied to teamwork and leadership? Share your ideas!
New comment Aug 2
1 like • Aug 1
One thing I've noticed about wolves is their incredible teamwork. They hunt in packs, with each member having a specific role. It's a great reminder of the power of collaboration and clear role definition in achieving common goals. Definitely something to think about in the office!
Can HR Pros Take a Joke? Let’s Find Out!
OMG, have you seen these hotshot guys? 🔥🕺🕺🔥 If people don’t believe HR can be fun, fiery, and super creative after this, I don’t know what will convince them. HR folks can take a joke, right? 😉 Let’s prove it! Share your favorite jokes, memes, hilarious real-life situations, or stereotypes about the profession, and let’s end this week on a high note. I’ll kick things off with a couple of classic jokes: · How many HR professionals does it take to change a light bulb? 💡 None, they’ll just create a policy for light bulb changing and let the employees handle it! · Why did the HR manager cross the road? To tell the chicken about its benefits package! 🐥 Your turn! 🤪 P.S. And my favorite Ben... sorry, meme. But I really do adore Ben ♥
New comment Jul 18
Can HR Pros Take a Joke? Let’s Find Out!
2 likes • Jul 18
None convey wisdom better than Boromir.
📅 WEEK IN A MINUTE [July 06-12, 2024]
* Fears Escalate That Employees Will Put Corporate Data at Risk [July 07, 2024] New research reveals that trust in employees dwindling with more than 60% of security decision makers expecting employees to put corporate data at risk of a breach. * Job Scams Surge in 2023—Employment Cons Exploit Hopeful Job Seekers [July 08, 2024] According to new data from the Identity Theft Resource Center, there has been a surge in job scams in 2023 linked to the rise of artificial intelligence. * Paying International Employees: A Complete Guide [July 10, 2024] Discover what your options are when it comes to paying international employees, what the challenges are, and how much it's likely to cost. * HMRC worker wins harassment claim over unwanted birthday card [July 10, 2024] An HMRC worker won a harassment case against her employer after being sent a birthday card and over 20 other total allegations of harassment. * 8 Surprising Soft Skills SMBs Want in New Hires [July 10, 2024] Recent data from ADP indicates that small-to-medium sized businesses (SMBs) are taking a much closer look at what specific soft skills job candidates bring to an interview than they are at technical skills. Did a particular news or topic catch your interest? Share your thoughts on it.
New comment Jul 14
0 likes • Jul 12
I appreciate you sharing the article about international employee payments. It's really relevant to me right now.
Toxic Supervisor
Hey HR Professionals, I need some advice. We have a newer supervisor in the customer service department who's been having trouble with her teaching methods. All her team members have complained that her approach is far from the positive learning environment we aim for. She's been disciplining and using a condescending tone in front of everyone. She’s especially hard on one new female employee, who's only been with us for a few weeks and is still learning. Instead of fostering a positive learning environment, she’s been treating this new employee disrespectfully, making her feel dumb and unintelligent. This behavior has been confirmed by multiple team members. Some specific instances include yelling at her in front of everyone, embarrassing her, and treating her like a toddler. When the new employee shares ideas in meetings, the supervisor shuts her down. The team also says she's micromanaging them. As a result, none of them respect her. Normally, we would coach and develop the supervisor, but given the risk of employees leaving because of her behavior, I'm wondering if we should consider pulling her from the position. We usually try to coach and mentor first, but this seems urgent. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! 🙏
New comment Jul 10
1 like • Jul 9
She sounds like a lady I worked for a few years back, also, oddly enough, in customer service.
How Businesses Should (And Should Not) Use AI
Bernard Marr — internationally best-selling author and keynote speaker, provides his expert insights on the critical factors businesses must address to effectively implement artificial intelligence (AI). 1. Start With Strategy, Not Technology. “AI is not a panacea that magically resolves all business challenges. Before diving in, companies need to identify clear use cases where AI can have a meaningful impact that is aligned with business objectives.” 2. Address Ethical Considerations and Ensure Compliance. “By maintaining transparency in data and algorithmic processes, companies can prevent the detrimental effects of biased AI… Regulatory compliance, including adherence to data protection laws like GDPR in Europe and CCPA in California, must be a priority”. 3. Assess Technology Infrastructure Requirements. “Modern cloud AI solutions provide an illustrative example of integrating AI into existing IT ecosystems, offering advanced data storage and computing capabilities tailored to support intensive AI operations. Businesses must consider these infrastructure needs early in the planning process to ensure seamless AI integration and scalability”. 4. Plan for Scaling AI Beyond Pilots. “A successful transition from pilot to scale involves meticulous planning, cross-functional collaboration, and, sometimes, a dose of courage to push through organizational inertia”. 5. Foster a Supportive Culture and Engage Employees. “Technology may be at the heart of AI, but people are the soul. For AI to thrive, creating the right organizational culture is paramount. This means cultivating an environment where innovation is encouraged and failures are seen as stepping stones to success… Businesses need to ensure that they take their people along on the AI journey. This involves engaging with employees across all levels—talking, listening, and most importantly, addressing their concerns and aspirations regarding AI”.
New comment Jul 9
1 like • Jul 9
"Create the right culture and take employees on this journey with you"... Oh, Bernard, don't hit a nerve 😪 😪😪 Honestly, every time I try to introduce a new automation tool in our agencies, there's resistance. My oldest subordinate is only 37 years old, yet we constantly face implementation issues, and people are always skeptical of my initiatives. I'm tired of it... Maybe you have any advice, colleagues? How do you organize this process?
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Jonah Hughes
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Agency owner

Active 18d ago
Joined Jun 5, 2024
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