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Implementing Effective Retirement Plans
Steve Taylor, Budget-Focused Benefits Expert for HR, shares insights on developing effective retirement plans for growing companies. These plans, such as 401(k)s, are essential for the long-term financial security of employees and offer significant advantages for employers. Understanding and optimizing these benefits is key to attracting and retaining top talent. Formula for Implementing Effective Retirement Plans: ✅ Desired Result: A robust retirement plan that benefits both employees and the company. ✅ Current Assessment: Evaluate the status of your existing retirement benefits. ✅ Action Plan: Develop and enhance your retirement plan offerings. Step 1: Target a Mutually Beneficial Retirement Plan. “The ideal retirement plan should provide a solid foundation for employees' future financial security. Be competitive enough to attract and retain talent. Offer tax advantages for both employees and employers. Align with the company's financial capabilities and long-term goals.” Step 2: Assess Your Current Retirement Benefits Scheme. “Before enhancing your plan, consider the current participation rate and employee satisfaction with the existing plan. How your plan compares to industry standards and competitors. The financial impact of your current plan on the company. Any gaps or limitations in your current retirement offerings.” Step 3: Enhancing Your Retirement Plan Offerings. "Consider offering a variety of retirement plans (e.g., traditional 401(k), Roth 401(k)) to cater to diverse employee needs. Implement or enhance employer matching contributions to encourage employee participation. Continuously evaluate the plan's performance and adapt as necessary to meet changing needs and regulations". Which retirement plan features do your employees value the most? Let's hear your experiences and ideas!
5 Books for Herding Cats: Managing People Remotely
As shown in recent studies, more than 12% of US workers are now fully remote, and 28.2% have adopted a hybrid approach. Despite these flexible working arrangements, productivity remains a challenge. According to reports, Fortune 500 companies lose 25 billion work hours annually due to ineffective collaboration. To help navigate these challenges, here is a list of books written by experts who understand how to manage groups that are difficult to coordinate effectively: 1️⃣ Leading a Hybrid-Remote Team: A Modern Management Guide to Facilitating a Cohesive Office Community Across the Divide by Ian T. Anders. 2️⃣ Managing Hybrid and Remote Teams: Concrete advice to increase output and engagement by Luca Dellanna. 3️⃣ Team Building in a Hybrid Workplace: Strengthening Connections and Enhancing Performance by Jude Mahony. 4️⃣ Virtual Team Management: Leading Remote Teams by Marlon Ny. 5️⃣ Managing Teams in the Hybrid Age: The HBR Guides Collection (8 Books) by Harvard Business Review. Have you read any of these books? What are your impressions? Can you recommend any other insightful reads on this topic?
New comment Jul 30
Positive Engagement Formula
April Sabral, CEO & Founder, Leadership Coach, emphasizes the importance of ongoing professional development despite its initial costs. She also introduces the Positive Engagement Formula, a system designed to boost employee morale and motivation through effective training and development. ✨ “When your team is motivated, they perform, and your return on compensation is higher. Imagine you have 10 managers who are only operating at 80% due to skill and motivation; you are costing your business. This ripple then trickles down onto other employees. And now your compensation cost is over the cost of one manager's salary. When you start viewing your compensation cost this way, you will begin to realize that training is a must, not a nice to have.” ✨ “Employee training and development can lead to career advancement opportunities within the organization. This can boost employee morale and motivation as they see a clear path for growth and progression. We actually teach you how to implement a foolproof system in your business to ensure this is working for you. It's called the Positive Engagement Formula.” What are your thoughts on focusing on return on compensation? Share your views in our community.
New comment Jul 23
The Importance of Equitable Benefits
While benefits are a crucial part of compensation, there's a significant gap in transparency and equity in the United States. Farheen Dam, North America Health Solutions Leader at Aon, emphasizes the need for tailored benefits that meet the unique needs of every employee. About Benefits Affordability: “Did you know that 22% of U.S. employees are spending 10% or more of their income on health care? In addition, half of Americans are unable to pay for a $1,000 unexpected medical bill within 30 days; this increases to about 66% for people of color and low-income workers. To address this affordability challenge, we’re helping employers design subsidy approaches.” About Inclusive Policies: “72% of employers currently cover fertility treatments, but many require a medical diagnosis of infertility to qualify for the benefit. There are many types of families – same-sex couples, single parents by choice, etc. – who will never meet this criteria. So why can’t we remove the medical necessity requirement and, instead, provide the same financial allowance for adoption and surrogacy so that all paths to parenthood are included?” What challenges have you encountered regarding benefits transparency and equity in your organization? How can companies better address the unique needs of diverse employees? Join the Discussion.
New comment Jul 16
How Businesses Should (And Should Not) Use AI
Bernard Marr — internationally best-selling author and keynote speaker, provides his expert insights on the critical factors businesses must address to effectively implement artificial intelligence (AI). 1. Start With Strategy, Not Technology. “AI is not a panacea that magically resolves all business challenges. Before diving in, companies need to identify clear use cases where AI can have a meaningful impact that is aligned with business objectives.” 2. Address Ethical Considerations and Ensure Compliance. “By maintaining transparency in data and algorithmic processes, companies can prevent the detrimental effects of biased AI… Regulatory compliance, including adherence to data protection laws like GDPR in Europe and CCPA in California, must be a priority”. 3. Assess Technology Infrastructure Requirements. “Modern cloud AI solutions provide an illustrative example of integrating AI into existing IT ecosystems, offering advanced data storage and computing capabilities tailored to support intensive AI operations. Businesses must consider these infrastructure needs early in the planning process to ensure seamless AI integration and scalability”. 4. Plan for Scaling AI Beyond Pilots. “A successful transition from pilot to scale involves meticulous planning, cross-functional collaboration, and, sometimes, a dose of courage to push through organizational inertia”. 5. Foster a Supportive Culture and Engage Employees. “Technology may be at the heart of AI, but people are the soul. For AI to thrive, creating the right organizational culture is paramount. This means cultivating an environment where innovation is encouraged and failures are seen as stepping stones to success… Businesses need to ensure that they take their people along on the AI journey. This involves engaging with employees across all levels—talking, listening, and most importantly, addressing their concerns and aspirations regarding AI”.
New comment Jul 9
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