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Vacation Rental Mastery

Public • 27 • Free

32 contributions to Vacation Rental Mastery
Goals #2
Goal #2: Ideal property: I want to have a niche property that has many amenities that add to the experience. I like the idea of a lake front property or something with beach access. I want to have a property that offers an escape, has a theme and is great for big groups. Timeline: 24 months Budget: $500k to $1 million
New comment May 8
3 likes • Apr 30
Love this Meg!! It's right up my alley. Perhaps we'll be neighbors...
Goal #2: Ideal property: building out a social justice compound 5 properties, bocce ball courts, saunas, fitness facilities, multiple fire pits, outdoor showers, hot tubs, hammocks, trails, speakeasy’s and complimentary fitness services Timeline: 24 month Budget: $1 million
New comment May 8
2 likes • Apr 30
@Hector Guadalupe That's right Fam!! Go hard or go home!! And we're not coming home without multiple titles on multiple properties!! Let's go!!! 💥💥💥
Earl Nightingale audio
So far I’ve started every morning of my day last week listening to it for 5 days straight and constantly using my willpower and actions to manifest abundance.
New comment May 8
0 likes • Apr 30
@Geri Tiu Another one to add to the list, since we're already listening to "Buy Back Your Time"
1 like • Apr 30
@Hoan Thai Working on it!
The Strangest Secret: My Thoughts, Insights, and Interpretations
“Each of us wants something and each of us is afraid of something… Don’t concern yourself too much with how you are going to achieve your goal. Leave that completely to a power greater than yourself. All you have to do is know where you are going.” - Desire and fear are universal to the human experience. Our motivations and challenges are shaped by what we seek to gain and what we strive to avoid. Set clear goals, focus on the positive and trust in a larger process or force to guide the means of achieving them. Define your vision and allow the path to unfold. “Persistence is another word for faith” “The human race is fixed, not to prevent the strong from winning, but to prevent the weak from losing.” - We hold ourselves back. Societal standards are too low not to be able to succeed. “The only way to earn money is by providing people with services or products which are needed and useful…The law is that our financial return will be in direct proportion to our service. success is not the result of making money; making money is the result of success. And success is in direct proportion to our service… to achieve success and thereby earn money, one must first focus on being of service…. be of service, build, work, dream, create,” - These are my favorite insights regarding success and wealth generation “The architect of the universe didn’t build a stairway leading nowhere. - This quote is not exactly a lesson that I learned, but it inspires purpose by highlighting that life is inherently purposeful, suggesting that every path and experience is designed to lead somewhere significant. It’s a motivating reminder to actively pursue and fulfill our potential. We become what we think about” - The strangest secret and the central theme of the audio recording. Dominant thoughts influence outcomes. “Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.” “The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice… it is conformity.” - True courage involves breaking away from societal expectations and norms to live in accordance with one’s own beliefs and values.
New comment May 8
0 likes • Apr 28
@Rohan Hales Trust me fam, I do the same. I just make it a habit to check them out from time to time. I be in too many meetings to keep group notifications on.
2 likes • Apr 30
@Hoan Thai I love both versions. Who's the author of the original?
Earl Nightingale
My 10 things I learned from Earl Nightingale. I read most of his work years ago what I find most fascinating is number one because it works for me! 1.We become what we think about the most ! 2.Success is reaching your goal 3.You need goalson life 4.The goal mine is between your ears 5.It is our attitude towards life which determines life’s attitude towards us. 6.Before a person can achieve the kind of life he wants, he must become that kind of individual, he must think, act, talk, walk, and conduct himself in all of his affairs as would the person he wishes to become. 7.The higher you go in any organization of value, the better will be the attitude you’ll find. 8.Your mind can hold only one thought at a time. And since there’s nothing at all to be gained by being negative, be positive. 9.The deepest craving of human beings is to be needed, to feel important, to be appreciated. Give it to them, and they’ll return it to you. 10.Look for the best in new ideas.
New comment May 1
1 like • Apr 29
@Saul Serrano Love your personal insight brother. Thanks for sharing.
1 like • Apr 30
@Hoan Thai Getting Rich!!
1-10 of 32
Jon-Adrian Velazquez
330points to level up
Justice Activist, Justice Reform Consultant, Public Speaker, Community Organizer, Actor, Model, and Youth Mentor

Active 48d ago
Joined Apr 15, 2024
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